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Almost 3 months LID 9 Sep 2006 | 01:06 am
Hello All! I have been thinking about posting for a few days now and our website is down at work so I finally have some time to think and write. BTW- Hi Germ! I just found out yesterday that you knew...
Grandma Elva 12 Aug 2006 | 12:11 am
I had a dream last night that we got your picture and you had a really round face and were o' so cute. The thing I want to remember most about this dream is that your middle name was Mei which was pro...
Friday 11/14/06 15 Jul 2006 | 03:52 am
A short note today, I did NOT see Chloe on the WC list. However, it is so neat to see that many of the children already have REVIEWED under them. It is awesome that there are so many people considerin...
11-months to go---maybe! 14 Jul 2006 | 02:25 am
We have officially been LID for 1 month. Wohoo it went by fast! So, last night I was showing Dad these awesome videos on adoption and then Lexi wanted to see and I explained that her sister was going...
Pregnant! 8 Jul 2006 | 03:59 am
So, on the night of July 5th- I had a "Dream/nightmare" that I was pregnant and it was my due date and I was freaking out that I did not want to be "overdue" again and relentlessly pressuring everyone...
LID June 13th!!!! 28 Jun 2006 | 04:34 am
Well, we FINALLY got our LID and I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I posted. Quite a bit has been going on with Lexi and traveling so I think I just needed some "quiet time" to process it all......
June!! 3 Jun 2006 | 08:11 am
Well we are officially DTC 05/26/06. I am sooooo happy to be done with the initial"paperchase"! Now, of course I'm obsessing a little about when our official LID will be. They have been happening very...
DTC = tomorrow 05/26/06 26 May 2006 | 07:22 am
Dear friends, Well, unless there is something else wrong with our paperwork it SHOULD all go to CHINA tomorrow! Please keep your fingers crossed for us. I am really surprised this worked out as Chris...
Dossier part 1 is off!!!!!! 12 May 2006 | 07:16 am
Yahooo! I just mailed off everything I have collected for our dossier to CHI this AM. AND I didn't know it at the time but I met "Treat Williams" at the postal stop store while I was sending it. The p...
Not for the faint of heart! 11 May 2006 | 03:19 am
I/We survived the meeting with the Lt. Governors office yesterday! I was such a wreck before that I forgot my email address! However, it was a good thing that I checked and rechecked everything as I ...