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The Karate Kid (2010) 3 Aug 2010 | 11:24 am
It’s not often that I rave about films; because it’s not often I see a film worth raving about. In the 6 months I’ve had my Cineworld unlimited card I’ve seen about 40 movies. There have been some goo...
Eric 22 Jul 2010 | 02:16 pm
A siren wails out across the city as the thunder finally rolls in. A tom cat, stalking mice down an alley scurries for cover amongst the bins. A torrent descends on to the streets of Dublin. A wave, w...
This Earth 15 May 2010 | 11:10 am
In a moment, in a blink The present moon begins to sink, The future sun, Is rising now And at it’s head a shining prow. Built by men to forge a dream The White Knight waiting To redeem The pettiness o...
Backpacking, Wanderlust and Edinburgh 28 Apr 2010 | 11:28 am
There is, in my view, only one way to see the world. If you travel and stay in hotels and cart around ridiculous amounts of clothes, in cases you could be buried in, you never really experience what t...
Photos in Absence 28 Apr 2010 | 10:27 am
All the shots I uploaded to flickr while I was in Edinburgh but didn't get a chance to post them to Facebook or Twitter:
Resolutions - 36.5 in 365 30 Mar 2010 | 10:48 pm
I'm pretty sure everyone, i.e lots of people who blog, do this for New Years, so I am definitely leaping on a musical wagon. There is a frame of thought that says no plan is definite until you tell a...
Where do the months go? 27 Mar 2010 | 10:58 am
I started this blog to help me write. It was something I could turn to with random musings and quirkey ideas. Sadly it hasn't worked so far. Instead it's been 20 days since I last updated and out of t...
The Beauteous Night 6 Mar 2010 | 12:58 pm
I watch the stars each night, Stricken low with an empty longing, Knowing the vastness That reaches us over a million years Will drain my soul And blow it out to space. Solitude is finite. Loneliness ...
Nostrum somnium ero verus. 13 Feb 2010 | 12:32 pm
There is a lesson, Inscribed on a stone plaque Carved in my heart. When adversity faces us We must not bow our heads, Or taste defeat in a bitter mouth. There is no victory in overcoming A challenge t...
Photography Bucket List 30 Jan 2010 | 02:19 pm
After reading this article dredged from the mammoth backlog in my Google Reader I decided it was a good enough idea to steal. So here is my bucket list. A really good portrait If you've browsed my ...