Blogspot - - The Magistrate's Blog (2005-2012)

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All Change 22 Mar 2012 | 02:25 am
I have migrated the blog to and copied all of the posts across. I shall leave this one up for the foreseeable future, but I shall post to the new url, which h...
Housekeeping Updated 21 Mar 2012 | 10:07 am
I have no idea what has happened to the comments - JS-Kit was dumped on me when they bought out Haloscan. I have tried to get in to put it back to normal, but I haven't got time. I'll have a go when t...
Current Affairs 21 Mar 2012 | 08:22 am
The CPS are shortly to begin their new 'paperless as far as the door of the court' document handling system. I wish them well and hope that the widely expressed fear that this will be just another Gov...
Oh Dear 17 Mar 2012 | 10:22 am
The Government is hinting at a new wheeze to get a grip on the unruly behaviour of the British public. This is reminiscent of the most manic and absurd days of Tony Blair. Moral panics are a regular ...
Heavy Matters 17 Mar 2012 | 08:55 am
I chaired a remand court the other day and among the cases not on our printed list was a man charged with murder. The lower court has very little to do in a murder case, other than to identify the acc...
CPS Under The Microscope 17 Mar 2012 | 08:27 am
HM CPS Inspectorate published a less than flattering report on the London CPS last year and have followed up with another look at it: this is the press release, and the full report is here. It is over...
More On The Police 17 Mar 2012 | 08:14 am
I am going to risk the wrath of Murdoch by quoting from the (paywalled) Times site; for one thing, I think he has enough on his plate not to to have to bother about little me (too poor to be worth sui...
Lions Led By Donkeys 15 Mar 2012 | 07:49 pm
There is a well known and outspoken police blogger who won't be too keen on this, I suspect. Here's an old post of mine.
Just a Thought 15 Mar 2012 | 07:48 am
A further group of people have been arrested in connection with the News International scandals (and I think that the plural is now justified) including Rebekah Brooks and her husband. I have no comme...
From The Grapevine 10 Mar 2012 | 01:06 pm
A bit of retiring room gossip tells me that a District Judge was recently rammed from behind by another car when he had the temerity to stop for an amber traffic light. The other driver yelled at the ...