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We Visited Me Mom--Therapy Irish Terriers 13 May 2010 | 02:52 am
Miss Amy brought us to see me mom last night. She kept telling us to be "good therapy dogs" and me thinks to meself "Uh Oh, I'm only a level 1 graduate (and I've a LONG way to go.... has she lost her ...
Jackson's Getting Better---YIPPPEEEE!!!And Me Muffer Gives Me A Modeling Lesson 31 Mar 2010 | 01:34 am
Before we get to our post.... This message is for Lacienursiebeastiecakes.... wherever you are... McJules aka McMuffer, here... I'm ARMED AND WAITING.... I'm ARMED with me bunny slippers to throw ...
Here's To You Jackson... Saying Prayers For You, Me Lad 29 Mar 2010 | 01:49 am
Jax, our tough terrier friend, we all are sending prayers and healing paws your way, me lad. Our Flags Are Stretched Our Circle Is Around You And Asta's "wishing on the dogstaw" Channel that terr...
Me Lucky Barkday Date.... Viva Bark Vegas!!!!! 20 Mar 2010 | 03:00 pm
At me birthday pawty, me Lacieprincess jumped out of me cake. I was SO surprised!!!! She had her blender and a pawple creation already made. She was stunning in that green dress... arooooooo!!! Sh...
Happy Saint Patrick's Day, And Still Celebrating McGillicutty's Barkday, and..........BREAKING NEWS.......!!!!!!!!!! 17 Mar 2010 | 10:37 pm
Happy Saint Patrick's day!!!!!!! Mcjules here....mcgillicutty's furmom (he calls me "muffer") Oh, my we had a big day yesterday! Lots of celebration and fun!!!!! even though mom made us both get b...
MARCH 16,2010---THE EVE OF ST. PATRICK'S DAY---ME BARDAY, ME MEANS BARKDAY!!!!!!!!!! 16 Mar 2010 | 02:55 pm
THE McGILLINATOR TURNS 3!!! Me First Barkday Card Came From Doyle and Mollie! They Made Me This Pawsome Card!!! Look How Handsome I Am At 3 Years Old In Me Shamrock Shades AND A Green Man Strong!...
Two Irish Terriers Bonding on a Walkie: (Accidental Video Me Mom's iPawd Captured) 12 Mar 2010 | 04:46 am
This video was shot on Saturday (before me muffur hurt her foot) by accident. Me mom's ipawd was shooting this video, and she didn't know it. So, sorry about the finger and cord in the way and the ot...
'Pawduction Call' 9 Mar 2010 | 11:00 pm
This is just discrimination!!! Little dogs under 10 lbs... hmmpphhhhh! So all you little dogs out there, get your photos together. Me fur mom, the model, is quite disturbed by this... She just may ...
Just Another McG Monday!!!!!! 8 Mar 2010 | 11:02 pm
Sorry about the quality of the photos, folks, but me mom's iPhone had to suffice! We ran the errands with the pawrents on Sunday afternoon. Ah.... 65 degrees is MS!!! Don't be alarmed... we are goi...
Saturday Morning Salutations From Jules! (currently gathering Irish names) 7 Mar 2010 | 04:04 am
Oh, Irish Love!!!! I REALLY, REALLY love me little boy! Although he can be such a brat. He is me son and me love him lots. He went to the vet yesterday for his tummy troubles. They drew some bloo...