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Same Old Same Old - Even If You Claim To Be "Communist!" 26 Oct 2012 | 01:27 pm
"Buy My Book Quick, Or I'll Fuck All Your Children!" Well, what a surprise! The cunts at the top of the tree get extremely rich. Who'd have thought it? The Penguin
Bang Him Up, Throw Away The Key! 25 Oct 2012 | 12:36 am
So the slimy arsewipe has resigned so he can duck out of any disciplinary whitewash and keep his fucking £83,000 a year pension. If the government have not got the balls, then the so-called free pres...
Plenty Of Blame, Spread It Around! 24 Oct 2012 | 06:54 pm
Ah, the McSavile Tartan - I bet sales have plummeted... Good to see some self-righteous knob of an MP calling for that cunt Chris Patten to have to resign his cushy placement as Chairman of the BBC T...
Poor Old George - Jimmy Savile's Fucked Him Too!! 22 Oct 2012 | 03:27 am
Right up the Entwhistle, no lube!! They do say it is always the cover up that gets them. I have to say it is quite wonderful watching the vastly over-paid and over-rated upper echelons of the leftis...
Can't See Chris Huhne Following This Example - Pity! 20 Oct 2012 | 10:51 pm
Seems that the upper echelons of the Plod are ever-so-slightly more accountable than the upper echelons of the Political Elite. Otherwise Chris Huhne would have been suspended pending his conviction ...
The Jimmy Savile Disgrace 15 Oct 2012 | 01:00 pm
Former Chairmen of the BBC are lining up to express their outrage and disgust at the Jimmy Savile revelations. "It's an absolute disgrace!" frothed Sir Michael Lyons, "The media are whipping up a com...
Double Standards? 5 Oct 2012 | 06:33 pm
Funny, innit - they sack some Chief Cuntstable with no golden handshake but a full pension for trying to find a job for a friend, but it's not even a disciplinary matter for shooting innocent electric...
BBC U-Turn Under Pressure 3 Oct 2012 | 05:40 pm
The fat cats at the top of the Biased Broadcasting Corporation have crumbled under the concerted pressure from self-righteous elements of the media and even more self-righteous elements of the great a...
Great Big Troughs In Scotlandshire 25 Sep 2012 | 07:21 pm
Fuck me but they know how to live high on the fucking hog when the taxpayer is footing the bill up in bonny Scotlandshire. No wonder that Alex Salmond has thirty-two chines on his two faces! Persona...
Andrew Mitchell - The Full Apology 22 Sep 2012 | 07:06 pm
Andrew Mitchell has published the full transcript of his apology, as made to the Prime Minister. "Look, Dave, I'm really really sorry that this has caused such a stink. I can't believe the fucking ch...