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Wonder Goodness - Eggplant & Dates 31 Mar 2011 | 10:48 pm
Do you know that The Eggplant & a Simple Dates or two have heaps of goodness, vitamins and minerals. A small portion of the eggplant consume in daily intakes covers a great amount of goodness for the...
Be Healthy & Attractive! 11 Jan 2011 | 10:07 pm
Lately Researchers from Britain who studied the relationship between Skin Colour and Attractiveness, made a finding that people with Yellow Skin Hue were perceived as Healthy Younger and Attractive pa...
Healthy HairCare 12 Dec 2010 | 07:55 pm
It has been said that a good balanced diet is an equal ingredient for a radiant hair health. Having a healthy everyday lifestyle usually equals healthy hair too. Also prevention is better than cure....
Violent Games--Bad Influences 20 Nov 2010 | 11:19 pm
There are some who are of the view that with modern computers and CD video games giving youngsters and all who spend too much time on them could be indeed unhealthy not only physically but mentally. ...
Ultra-Violet (UV) Rays 11 Oct 2010 | 08:45 pm
As the environment's condition worsens around us all over the world, with the ozone layer being torn apart, we are experiencing more UV rays in our daily lives. This is especially so in some countrie...
The Everyday Aches & Pains 11 Sep 2010 | 01:30 am
Daily as we grow with added years, young and the elderly usually do have some degree of aches & pains associated onto the various body areas - even more for the Obesities, caused by the extra weight p...
Obesity Is Rising 1 Sep 2010 | 02:53 am
Nowadays very often the Young and even the Elderly have meals out frequently. Days of yesteryears, people and all gathered out to feast on their great meals for occasional celebrations only. During t...
Myopia Is Rising 20 Aug 2010 | 07:11 pm
These modern times, young people and all are rarely having outdoor activities. This modern era, we hardly or have no time at all to go for a stroll in the park; or go outdoors to fly a kite; or to cy...
The Bad FAT & The Less Harmful FAT 17 Aug 2010 | 08:31 pm
Not all fat are created equal. Some types are more harmful than others. Therefore it will be wiser to learn how to replace the bad fat with the less harmful ones. Reducing the total fat, especially ...
Secret Tips : Simple Naturally Cured Remedies 12 Aug 2010 | 03:25 am
Do you know that besides reaching out for the over The Counter Tablet Pills for fast medication for Heartburn, or a feeling of a Fever Rising, or into a Bad Diarrhoea or having Itching Boils type Pimp...