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Define "able." 9 Dec 2008 | 11:33 pm
What does it mean to you to be able to do something? To be unable? What does it mean when you can do something? When you can't? I have always had a somewhat nebulous notion that ability is a binary ...
The Rebirth of Venus 9 Dec 2008 | 11:33 pm
I wish I had the disposable cash to buy this shirt.
Things I learned yesterday. 9 Dec 2008 | 11:33 pm
A man coming on to a woman is one thing. A man who holds a copy of the keys to the woman's apartment coming on to her, however, adds a whole 'nother level of scary to the equation. What disturbs me t...
Lazy Sunday 9 Dec 2008 | 11:33 pm
Bookends. *** On the way to a Penguins game one day earlier this year, we realized we didn't have any dollar bills -- which we'd need to ride the T up to the arena. I ended up in a Petsmart looking ...
New location 21 May 2008 | 01:56 pm
I will be continuing to tweak the little things that only really matter to me, but regardless, this blog has a whole new home (that looks just like the old home!). Check it out, and give me some comme...
Am I the only one? 20 May 2008 | 02:47 am
I've seen a lot of talk recently about performance-enhancing drugs taken by generally healthy people. And it absolutely infuriates me. I've felt the same in the past about people taking painkillers ...
Thank you, Lupron 18 May 2008 | 08:40 am
I am now about five pounds away from an overweight BMI! Oh, how things have changed. Ever since I had my tonsils out at age six, I have been extremely picky. The shitty thing is it's not just a matte...
She Writes Letters 16 May 2008 | 03:10 am
Dear (check all that apply): Upper/Middle Class, Political Geeks, Journalists, Liberals, Blogosphere: There are less than three weeks left until the convention primary voting ends.* Why the desparat...
Are Immigration Authorities Going After School Children? 16 May 2008 | 12:18 am
I wouldn't be fucking surprised. God damn them. I grew up with these children. My late elementary school years were spent in a school way out in county land, attended mostly by the children of the im...
Good God 16 May 2008 | 12:12 am
I am far, far behind in my reading, but Matt was reading the news aggregator after we got home from dinner tonight, and my eyes caught a glimpse of the words "immigration raid" -- oh no -- in Iowa. T...