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Berita Terkini...Newsss 17 Jun 2011 | 01:47 am
As Salam... It has been long time not update this cakey blog..miss baking xtvt lately, but what to do time is sooo jealous with me! huhuhu Anyway I'm here just to give piece of information to all fre...
No title..hahahah 10 Jan 2011 | 04:50 am
Salam 1 Malaysia... Sejak dpt kerja baru, order pun tak byk yg blh di terima.. So below is picture2 kek yg sempat di layan sambil bersilat & berkungfu dgn 3 kanak2 riang kat rumah tu...huhuhu.. To my...
November 2010 3 Dec 2010 | 05:50 am
Elmo kek utk birthday girl Aleysha..thanks eyna for d order.. SuperHero theme for birthday boys, Thanks Farah! Utk Majlis anak2 yatim, thanks kak Pah! Makan2 cuppies for Birthday. Tqvm Wahida from ...
Pic2 yg lama terperap..Oct 2010 3 Dec 2010 | 03:21 am
Salam 1 Malaysia.. :) Alhamdulillah Allah swt masih beri lg kekuatan dan semangat utk membaking, mendeco & menerima orders.. Xtvt tetap di terus walaupun masa sgt2 terhad dgn 3 org kanak2 riang di ru...
Lama betul blog terabai.. 29 Oct 2010 | 07:21 pm
Salam 1 Malaysia! Akhirnya log in jugak setelah sekian lama bertapa..Baby pun dah almost 5 mths.. Alhamdullillah nmpknya ada masa nak aktif blk dlm dunia baking....even masa sgt2 terhad & bz with 3 k...
Happy Mothers Day! 8 May 2010 | 10:26 pm
Happy Mothers Day to all great mothers out there! Anyway I would like to inform everyone, I will not receive any order from now on until further notice due to deliver my 3rd baby soon and will give co...
Last cake made b4 maternity 8 May 2010 | 09:24 pm
Salam and greetings all, This is will be my last entry for cakes b4 i left for maternity leave. Thanks to my loyal customer aka my fren Darliana Dahari, who really love the choc moist steam cake and ...
Birthday Cake- Qaseh 10 Apr 2010 | 03:16 am
Thank you Azy from Klang...
27th March 2010 10 Apr 2010 | 03:01 am
Salam... Thank you Teacher Alniza From Dengkil. (my child play fren..!)
6 March 2010 10 Apr 2010 | 02:54 am
Salam... I'm in no mood with blog..huhuhu..enjoy the pics.. Thanks to Wahida..