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if only... 8 May 2013 | 11:16 am
if only.... if only i could sew all the election banners, and flags lining along the roads into a nice comfy blanket and sent it to somalia, i am sure we could save half the nation from death and suf...
look out for me 22 Nov 2011 | 03:03 pm
i am as good as gone. there is nothing much i can do here, too much restriction. so guys i have migrated to pls go on and resume your support for me at th...
suatu pagi di hari raya 7 Sep 2011 | 03:11 pm
jom! melantak kat rumah terbuka! makan, makan, sume ada! hari raya bukan disambut sehari dua, sebulan tu beb! jom! apakah? dah lupakah ramadan yang baru seminggu ditinggalkan? di zaman nabi, o...
pig versus cow 6 Sep 2011 | 03:28 pm
There once was a pig and a cow. The pig was unpopular and the cow was loved by all in the village. This puzzled the pig. The pig said to the cow, 'People speak warmly of your good nature and your hel...
dilemma seekor "snail" 12 Aug 2011 | 12:07 pm
angah: sapa tahu kenapa "snail" jalan lambat? along: ko gila ker aper? siput mana ada kaki nak jalan. dia lambat sebab mengesot. betul kan ngah? angah: tak, tak. achik: achik tahu, achik tahu! siput b...
Ramadan El-Mubarak - tenanglah sekeping hati yang gusar 10 Aug 2011 | 03:54 pm
Ramadan el Mubarak datang lagi, Alhamdullillah aku masih diberi Allah nafas untuk mengharungi hidup ini. yang pastinya ramadan di dalam hidup tahun ini amat tenang aku harungi. aku dah jauh dari ker...
rotten. 8 Apr 2011 | 04:44 pm
have u ever experiencing a situation whereby u work hard all ur life for something, let nothing stand in ur way to achieve it, put everything else in the backseat and never loose sight of ur prioritie...
mungkinkan? 15 Mar 2011 | 12:17 pm
jikalah hidup ini seindah pelangi "poof" welcome to real world dude!
terima kasih Allah 4 Mar 2011 | 01:34 pm
terima kasih allah, pagi tadi kau hidupkan aku semula dan berikan kesempatan buat ku untuk beribadah lagi buat mu masih terbuka peluang meminta ampun lagi atas segala dosa-dosa dan kesilapan ku kau be...
pencil & eraser. 1 Mar 2011 | 07:59 pm
i used to have a pet. it was a cat. as a matter of fact i used to have pet cats at different times, and they all went away. someone told me that cats especially and animals generally knew when their ...