Blogspot - - USA Road Trip - America by car for dummies: Planning, Travel Info, Tips, Guide and Rock'n'Roll

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The Top USA Road Trip Travel Tips 8 Aug 2012 | 04:16 pm
USA Road Travel Tips Phones Make sure that your mobile is unlocked before you travel, otherwise you have to buy a cheap phone for $20. Get a AT&T contract, NOT a TMobile one. The coverage of TMobile ...
Intro 30 Dec 2011 | 05:47 pm
Howdy! Or maybe we should say Hello! as we are not yet in America. So here we go! The Great American Road Trip.. across the USA by car. We decided to go from San Francisco to New York in four weeks....
Verse 1: Falmouth - New York 28 Dec 2011 | 10:12 pm
New Year’s Day 2010 and we’re off on our honeymoon, one month of road tripping across the USA ahead of us, San Francisco to New York City via the southern states so we’re calling it the Big Smile – ev...
Verse 1: Falmouth - New York 28 Dec 2011 | 05:12 pm
New Year’s Day 2010 and we’re off on our honeymoon, one month of road tripping across the USA ahead of us, San Francisco to New York City via the southern states so we’re calling it the Big Smile – ev...
Verse 2: New York - San Francisco (by air) 27 Dec 2011 | 10:31 pm
Good sleep, woke early at 6.30am so we could get the 7.30am shuttle back to JFK but it left without us. No worries though as the very helpful man at the desk (from same area in India as Sharmila’s Mum...
Verse 2: New York - San Francisco (by air) 27 Dec 2011 | 05:31 pm
Good sleep, woke early at 6.30am so we could get the 7.30am shuttle back to JFK but it left without us. No worries though as the very helpful man at the desk (from same area in India as Sharmila’s Mum...
Verse 3: San Francisco Day 1 - Meeting our CouchSurfing host 27 Dec 2011 | 09:02 am
Up out of the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transport – like the Underground/subway/metro/U- and S-Bahn etc.) onto 24th and Mission, straight into the centre of the Mission district of SF. It was warm, balmy e...
Verse 4: San Francisco Day 2 - The Streets of San Francisco 26 Dec 2011 | 01:19 pm
Sunday 3rd Jan. Woke at 4am and dozed in and out of dreams as the sun rose and a golden glow swathed the wooden boards and wonky back stairs of the surrounding houses. Left the house in the sunny mor...
Verse 5: San Francisco Day 2 - The Streets of San Francisco Part 2 25 Dec 2011 | 07:31 am
Monday 4th January. Awoke early again thanks to the remnants of jet lag and 7am feeling more like 3pm. Aaron’s "getting jiggy with it" housemate recommended we try out breakfast at St Francis Fountain...
Chorus: The Americana Road Trip Soundtrack - Top 100 Road Trip Songs 24 Dec 2011 | 11:20 am
Every road trip has it's own soundtrack and on a rainy day, driving through the endless never-changing landscape of Texas, we tried to come up with our personal Top 10, then, quickly realising that a ...