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Latest news on RMSA and SSA vacancies in Uttarakhand 2013: when and where the vacancies have appeared? 11 Aug 2013 | 10:35 pm
So you may have seen some ad and news related to RMSA or SSA in the newspapers and we could see peoples flocking to the earlier posts or articles that have description of the previous advertisements a...
Result of the private exam 2013 of Sri Dev Suman University Badshahithol Tehri Garhwal 7 Aug 2013 | 07:51 pm
Sri Dev Suman University Badshahithol Tehri Garhwal has started declaring the results of the private exams of various subjects held in May, June 2013. Click here for the result of the MCom first year...
Recruitment of 3742 teachers in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) 2013-14 6 Aug 2013 | 09:04 pm
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) is inviting application from the eligible candidates for the post of PGT, TGT, Librarian, primary teachers, PRT and other posts. Eligibility- 50% marks in the conce...
Recruitment of clerk, management trainee and credit officer in Nainital bank 2013 5 Jul 2013 | 10:16 pm
Nainital Bank is inviting application for the following posts: Clerk Age limit: 18-27 years as on 30.06.2013 Educational qualification: Graduation/Post Graduation with minimum 45% mark Credit offi...
Answer keys of the Pashudhan Prasar Adhikari exam 2013 25 Jun 2013 | 01:05 pm
For the direct recruitment of the Pashudhan Prasar Adhikari in Pashupalan Vibhag of Uttarakhand, the competitive exam held on 9th June 2013. The answer keys have been declared as follow. Click here ...
Admission in Under Graduate/Diploma/Certificate courses of Garhwal University 2013-14 25 Jun 2013 | 12:13 pm
Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, (A Central University) Srinagar Garhwal (Uttarakhand) 246174 is inviting application from the candidates for the admission in its following UG/Diploma/Certi...
UGC NET 30th June 2013: exam centers, Roll number, admit card, important instructions and list of incomplete application forms for the state of Uttara... 24 Jun 2013 | 10:56 pm
In Uttarakhand there are three universities who are coordinating the UGC NET JRF and Lectureship exam June 2013. 1- Doon University, Motharawala Dehradun and 2- Kumaun University, Nainital 3- HNB G...
BSNL helpline service to find the location of the mobile number for Uttarakhand disaster June 2013 24 Jun 2013 | 11:34 am
Peoples are frenetically looking for their relatives and now after 7 days with each passing hour and deteriorating weather, the possibilities of finding more live peoples stranded and safe in Uttarakh...
Find persons/relatives with the “Google Person Finder” and “SMS” trapped in disaster in Uttarakhand.2013 22 Jun 2013 | 01:14 pm
Sitting at home on computer, reading newspapers, calling/listening phones and asking well being of the acquaintances, the hovering clouds above is not giving a good feeling. Hope that the clouds that ...
Find persons/relatives with the “Google Person Finder” and “SMS” trapped in disaster in Uttarakhand.2013 22 Jun 2013 | 01:14 pm
Sitting at home on computer, reading newspapers, calling/listening phones and asking well being of the acquaintances, the hovering clouds above is not giving a good feeling. Hope that the clouds that ...