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Joz Mint Mojito Iced Coffee: Taking your coffee fate into your own hands 27 Aug 2013 | 10:58 am
For CJR - you can have Joz. And it's almost as good. I've never hidden the truth that I LOVE coffee. It's the first thing I want when I wake up in the morning and if it didn't keep me up late, it'd...
Salted Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars: When predictable suddenly isn't 19 Aug 2013 | 11:01 am
After surviving and dealing with Daughters who have gone through wiggly teeth and baby teeth loss for the past 4 years, I was surprised to find myself surprised about Son's wiggly tooth. I think my s...
Shrimp and Guacmole: GIVEAWAY 12 Aug 2013 | 11:15 am
The awesome and generous folks at Skyhorse Publishing contacted me asking me if I'd be interested in reviewing a cookbook or two and offered to sponsor a giveaway of not one, not two, not three but FI...
Cold Sesame Green Beans: Vacation whiplash 1 Aug 2013 | 10:31 am
For JZ, who gave me the idea of a vacation in the first place. Our family has just returned from a 7 day vacation in Cancun, Mexico. Although the trip was filled with tons of fun for the family as t...
Raspberry Crumb Cake: To be simple 8 Jul 2013 | 11:23 am
After 13 years with the same desk, two weeks ago, I got a new (used) one. In a flurry of emails and pickups, I suddenly had a new piece of furniture that needed to go into my office and I had to get ...
Glazed Blueberry Lemon Pan Cake: More than the loser mom in the snapshot 14 Jun 2013 | 12:00 pm
For all the moms who try to do it all and more...without cracking. For KY and her encouraging words. The pressure for moms to be great reaches a feverish pitch at the end of the school year. With t...
End of Year Teacher Gifts: When you're not ready to say good-bye 7 Jun 2013 | 12:47 pm
For JH - missing you It's here. The final last day of school. It's my last day of preschool ever, as Children will all be in elementary school next year. Tomorrow I'll say goodbye to a community o...
End of Year Teacher Gifts: When you're not ready to say good-bye 7 Jun 2013 | 12:47 pm
For JH - missing you It's here. The final last day of school. It's my last day of preschool ever, as Children will all be in elementary school next year. Tomorrow I'll say goodbye to a community o...
Asian Chicken Salad: Similarities between Sunday School and urban school teaching 5 Jun 2013 | 11:31 am
To all the Sunday school teachers I know - your work, sacrifice, and effort is amazing, and blessed by our Father above. To my beautiful Sunday School kids - thank you for your smile every single we...
Asian Chicken Salad: Similarities between Sunday School and urban school teaching 5 Jun 2013 | 11:31 am
To all the Sunday school teachers I know - your work, sacrifice, and effort is amazing, and blessed by our Father above. To my beautiful Sunday School kids - thank you for your smile every single we...