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Lipstick on Pigs {Chocolate Pistachio Ice Cream Sandwiches} 2 Jun 2013 | 12:15 am
"Why don't you weigh 300 pounds? He meant it as a compliment, but it wasn't terribly graceful for a number of reasons - one of which being the fact that he'd said it after setting his hand solidly ov...
Simple - {Soft & Squidgy Peanut Butter Cookies} 14 May 2013 | 07:43 am
The sidewalk ahead of me is more than familiar. Alive with visions of memories, I feel like I can literally see myself and my friends - plus and all the shenanigans that have occurred by way of this r...
Goodbyes - {Mocha Crumble Pound Cake} 4 Feb 2013 | 12:43 am
I stared into the mirror, unable to look away from my bloodshot eyes. The shower hadn't woken me up, and it seemed, at this point, that nothing would. It was early Monday. Barely Monday, honestly. I'...
Self - {Gingerbread Monkey Bread with Creamy Whiskey Maple Glaze} 8 Jan 2013 | 10:10 pm
I hate being told to relax. Winter break is over now, and as I look back at how I spent it, I'm in a funk. I want to be more laid back and take more time to just... I don't know... Do absolutely not...
The Situation - {Chocolate Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Cupcakes} 13 Dec 2012 | 08:13 am
"What major?" Disinterested, she scrolled through some database, awaiting my response. I wish I could tell you how I picked marketing. I think I remember struggling internally with the differentiati...
Fit - {Half Baked Fudge Brownie & Cookie Dough Cake} 19 Nov 2012 | 08:12 am
This is my mistake. Swathed in a pair of hoodies, I dressed as warmly as I thought necessary for the occasion. But, ripped in exhaustion at the seams, my gloves have gradually failed me and my low-to...
Guest post on Raspberri Cupcakes - {Coffee Cloud Cake} 11 Nov 2012 | 03:10 am
Hey guys! I did a guest post awhile back on Raspberri Cupcakes while Miss Steph was away on her honeymoon. I was totally flattered when she asked me to write a post for her, but also very intimidated....
Brother - {Spiced Oat Cake with Ginger Plum Buttercream and Oat Crunch} 1 Nov 2012 | 03:45 am
I'm currently competing to win some prizes on Tate's Bake Shop's Facebook Page. Perhaps you'd like to enter yourself, or maybe you could spare me some votes otherwise? Thanks! ;) ------------------- ...
Stunt - {Soft Frosted Ginger Chunk Pumpkin Spice Cookies} 11 Oct 2012 | 05:29 pm
They're crisp between my fingers, just as I'd always imagined them to be. I remember first hearing the word "resume." My stepfather had been recently laid off, and he was spiffing up his resume for s...
Clown - {Raspberry Swirl Cupcakes} 17 Sep 2012 | 03:35 am
The first day I met him, he told me he wanted to take me to the zoo. He had a mess of brown hair, which was tousled - barely gelled, maybe - and hidden under a loose hat with a large brim. And beneat...