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Sailboat Cruising in High Latitudes in the Baltic and Russian Coast 23 Aug 2013 | 08:34 am
One of our members, the Wirta-Clarke family made up of Mark and Yvette and their two girls Maya and Jenefer are sailing their steel ketch s/v Bear in stages around the world. This summer they have bee...
America's Cup 2013 Sailboat2adventure Update 29 Jul 2013 | 07:06 am
As cruising sailors most of us have a passing interest in racing and many of us have participated in sailboat/yacht racing events on a regular basis. All of you that have ever sailed in a rally know....
MOB Safety Equipment plus a Little Razzle Dazzle for Sailing Cruisers 30 Jun 2013 | 03:45 pm
With the on going push for continual improvement and introduction of new MOB survival equipment, it is sometimes difficult to select the most suitable type of units to fit your requirements. The range...
ODEO Electronic Laser Flares for Cruising Sailors 11 Jun 2013 | 08:21 am
Safety at sea is always of paramount importance in considering the cruising sailors inventory of on board devices - and none more so than emergency distress flares. For many years now this area has be...
AIS Boat Beacon, Marine Traffic and Shipfinder Smartphone apps for Cruising Sailors, Part Two 30 Apr 2013 | 09:13 am
Last week we looked at the usefulness of AIS (Automatic Identification System) apps for smartphones. The smartphone has become such a ubiquitous tool in our everyday lives it is not any wonder that a ...
AIS Smartphone 'Boat Beacon' App Backup for Cruising Sailors 17 Apr 2013 | 09:10 am
We have had a number of earlier posts discussing the Automatic Identification System (AIS) for recreational sailors and like all technology it has raced forward at a tremendous pace, to the point now ...
Sailboat Emergency Shroud Jury Rig in the South Seas 26 Mar 2013 | 06:58 am
Emergency repairs at sea whilst on passage are a crews worst nightmare and especially if it involves ingress of water or rig failures, either standing or running. Following on from the forestay swage ...
Sailing Adventures eBook in Smashwords Read an eBook Week Promotion Now On 3 Mar 2013 | 05:00 pm
Smashwords, the electronic book agregator who distribute a large range of eBooks to the major retailers are launching their annual 'Read an eBook Week' from March 03 to March 09 2013. The sale of eBo...
Watt and Sea Hydrogenerator Power Solution for Cruising Sailors 24 Feb 2013 | 05:07 pm
Further to my post of 09 October 2012 about the Watt and Sea hydrogenerator for cruising sailboats and yachts, the following is an article reproduced from It highlights the excelle...
Sailboat Cruisers Chance at Finding Beachcombers 'Floating Gold' (Ambergris) 4 Feb 2013 | 05:21 am
How many times have we been beachcombing and examined odd lumps lying on the strand in the vain hope it just might be a piece of Ambergris. Over the last twenty years there have been just a handful of...