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Ysquare Photoblog 27: Busy busy busy until no time to have a proper meal.... 7 Jan 2012 | 04:00 am
I tell YOU! It's really not that I don't blog. I did went to some events, but I just really not time for everything. Test, assignment, Viva/thesis, project, exam etc.... I have never be so BUSY in ...
Ysquare Photoblog 27: Busy busy busy until no time to have a proper meal.... 6 Jan 2012 | 11:00 pm
I tell YOU! It's really not that I don't blog. I did went to some events, but I just really not time for everything. Test, assignment, Viva/thesis, project, exam etc.... I have never be so BUSY in ...
Ysquare Photoblog 26: The most quantity Birthday Cake. 28 Dec 2011 | 07:00 pm
It was hubby's birthday last month. Called up some classmate to celebrate her birthday. Hahah.. of course, she is 18 no more, don't be fool by the cakes... Do you know what cakes are they? Cupcakes...
Ysquare Photoblog 26: The most quantity Birthday Cake. 28 Dec 2011 | 02:00 pm
It was hubby's birthday last month. Called up some classmate to celebrate her birthday. Hahah.. of course, she is 18 no more, don't be fool by the cakes... Do you know what cakes are they? Cupcakes...
Multi-layered Tokyo Fruit Tarts is now in Karafuru Tokyo Street, Pavilion K.L! 23 Dec 2011 | 08:11 pm
They said money is man's best friend, Chocolate is a girl's best friend. Me? Dessert of course! I tried various of desserts ranging from ice-creams, cakes, sorbets, crepe, chocolate, fruits, puff etc...
Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards teaser post 20 Dec 2011 | 04:04 am
I know, right? I shouldn't be blogging now but to concerntrate on my FYP. But u know, the peer pressure is so intense that I have to at least vomit out a teaser 1st. I was in NAPBAS last weekend. At...
My Penang diary 11: Berlin's Bier Houz 8 Dec 2011 | 04:00 am
Berlin's Bier Houz in Straits Quay. Do you remember I introduce Straits Quay before? Just a recap: Straits Quay is a beautiful vibrant place at day. At night, it turn to be a mysterious hang out pl...
My Penang diary 11: Berlin's Bier Houz 7 Dec 2011 | 11:00 pm
Berlin's Bier Houz in Straits Quay. Do you remember I introduce Straits Quay before? Just a recap: Straits Quay is a beautiful vibrant place at day. At night, it turn to be a mysterious hang out pl...
Ysquare Photoblog 25: What is This On My Arm? 5 Dec 2011 | 04:00 am
Hey, whats this? Nah... I am not trying to kill myself. I am a strong girl, but strong girl is usually the one who got hurt the most. If I don't wanna get hurt, I have to pretend to be a timid, cute...
Ysquare Photoblog 25: What is This On My Arm? 4 Dec 2011 | 11:00 pm
Hey, whats this? Nah... I am not trying to kill myself. I am a strong girl, but strong girl is usually the one who got hurt the most. If I don't wanna get hurt, I have to pretend to be a timid, cute...