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Baby Checklists 21 Sep 2012 | 11:22 am
Oleh kerana aku tengah ‘Moody’ tahap dewa, aku tak boleh duduk diam macam selalu. Nanti otak aku fikir macam2 versi karut marut. Kalau aku x pregnant, rasanya perabot dalam bilik aku tu dah lama berub...
Mereka Lupa Kita Emo 21 Sep 2012 | 05:49 am
Kadang-kadang orang ni tak tahu bila perlu berubah. Kadang- kadang mereka fikir, kita boleh telan semua selagi boleh. Apa yang mereka lupa ialah, kadang – kadang kita akan jadi penat. Lama- lama kita ...
Pregnancy Talk 9 Sep 2012 | 07:46 am
Mengandung ni memang satu pengalaman yang baru. Kadang2 tu, bila duduk sorg2 pikirkan perbualan kami adik beradik rasa nak gelak pun ada. Yelah, kalau dulu tiap kali CT5 balik, mesti akan bercerita te...
Aisyah AR Mom2Be: Pregnancy Nutritions 25 Jul 2012 | 01:31 am
I have this major problem with my pregnancy state thou. I’m lack of blood. My Hb (haemoglobin) reading keeps reducing every time I did my medical check-up. At the very beginning its normal, 11.6gm. Th...
Cameron Highland HoneyMood 20 Jul 2012 | 09:08 am
My hubby promises me to go on vacation when he gets back from his 14th days’ work trip! Well, he knows me well, I will never forget to whatever he had promise me. So, he took me to Cameron Highland! ....
Aisyah AR Mom2Be : Part 2 29 Jun 2012 | 02:26 am
I am 14th week now. Which officially enters my 3rd month of pregnancy. Physically, I’m started to gain weight on my lower part thou. Seriously!!! Well, actually a lot of change started to show. I am h...
Aisyah AR Mom2Be:Part 1 29 Jun 2012 | 01:49 am
It is the first time ever I will see my baby in shape after the first confirmation that I am pregnant. But today, I will be able to know about my pregnancy status. How old has it been and my EDD (due ...
I Know I Got You 16 Apr 2012 | 06:48 am
Today mommy very sad. Sometimes, the way they treat mommy, its hard to accept. I hate it when they threaten me with you. But then, when mommy think about you, mommy feel happy. Daddy is away right now...
'My Little Heartbeat' 26 Mar 2012 | 04:57 am
Iyep, I have so many heartbeats already in my family and fortunately now I have the little one. Hahhaaa… Introduction: I am extremely happy and still in a middle of believing the news brought by the ...
Manager Me! 24 Feb 2012 | 07:10 am
It’s been silence in here. Haha…My dear Lee Ping must be frustrated coz it took such a long time for me to update my sweetheart bubbly blog here. Ever since my dad asked me to manage the tuition cent...