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Untitled 9 Jul 2012 | 02:16 pm
NATURAL HAZEL AND GREY Code: BNT-GR Power: 0-750 Water content: 55% Diameter: 16.0 mm Base Curve: 8.6 Duration: 1 year disposable
The Cave Of The Golden Rose Collection 15 Sep 2011 | 06:56 pm
The Cave Of The Golden Rose Collection RM19+RM6(POSTAGE)=RM25 -Tudung ni ada rOSE kat kepala n Belakang -kualiti tudung juga dijaga Untuk pertanyaan atau Tempahan Boleh PM kami..... HapPY sHOPPIN...
The Smurfs 13 Sep 2011 | 02:20 pm
THE SMURFS COLLECTION Huh dah lama betul x update koleksi2 terbaru....kali ni kami muncul dengan koleksi the wooo cita neh....cute sgt...hehehe bkn nak cita pasal the smurfs..nak suh d...
Jom Cuci Mata!! 24 May 2010 | 04:02 am
SALAM... Ada sedikit collection Plain Lycra.. S01 SOLD OUT S02 SOLD OUT S03 SOLD OUT S04 SOLD OUT S05 SOLD OUT S06 SOLD OUT S07 SOLD OUT S08 SOLD OUT S09 available S10 available S11 SOLD OUT s1...
Love & Bubble Shawls 18 May 2010 | 11:09 pm
Salam semua... Ade lagi update untuk SHAWLS lak ari nih... Semua canteq2 nih... Jom tengok2 dulu.. P01 SOLD OUT PO2 SOLD OUT P03 SOLD OUT P04 SOLD OUT P05 SOLD OUT p06 SOLD OUT p07 SOLD OUT q0...
Syria Lycra 18 May 2010 | 04:14 am
Salam 1Malaysia..(huhu..) Hurmm...utk update terbaru nih.. Nak tkr angin plak r..hehehe Ni update utk tdg SYRIA LYCRA... Mohlee tengok2 ye Kak Yong2 semua (speaking perak jap..geege..) Da bis tgk...
Plain Shawls 12 May 2010 | 02:42 am
SALAM.... Ade Sedikit update untuk PLAIN SHAWLS... Jum Layan... Maroon Plain RM15 include postage SOLD OUT SeaBlue Plain Sold out!! RM15 include postage Black Plain Sold out!! RM15 include p...
Untitled 9 May 2010 | 10:54 pm
Salam.... Selamat Hari ibu..luv u MOM... Sempena hari ibu..ade lagi latest update... Stripes bubble design... Mari tengok2 dulu...tq Stripes bubble Rm15 include postage SOLD OUT Stripes bubble ...
Untitled 9 May 2010 | 10:51 pm
Goges 1 Rm15 include Postage Sold to cikgu yanti Goges 2 Rm 15 include postage Reserved to Nurul Hafiz
Untitled 9 May 2010 | 10:13 pm
Polka Dot Rm15 include postage Sold out!! Material : 100% polyester Rm 15 include postage Material : Polyester Rm 15 include postage Material : Polyester Rm15 include postage Material : Polye...