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from inception to departure - Part 3 15 Feb 2013 | 04:51 pm
(disclaimer: this story is only a re-telling of a fragment of my life, no form of defamation was intended)- continuation... I had already set an interview date with the ID (interior design) company a...
Macam-Macam Perangai 9 Oct 2012 | 04:19 pm
My stats lecturer had this picture in his slides last weekend. We all had a laugh and a break from those never-ending stats formulas. So who goes through ur mind when u read each type? hehe. I got som...
FaizalAzwin + Fawwaz: 1ST OCTOBER 2012 8 Oct 2012 | 01:42 pm
FaizalAzwin turned 2 years today! & Fawwaz Amsyar turns 1/2 year! and what an amazing journey it's been :) 9 months of Long-Distance-Marriage 9 months of pregnancy PLUS 6 months of parenthood E...
Pregnancy~ A Summary 8 Oct 2012 | 09:59 am
reminiscing on my pregnancy journey when I should be doing my assignments (huhuhuu). I feel comfortable sharing this stuff now rather than when I was pregnant, coz I didn't want to jinx anything (yes ...
FaizalAzwin's Special Syawal Ft. Fawwaz! 28 Sep 2012 | 10:46 am
First week of Raya this year was in KL again, why not in Sabah? Well, according to hubby it's only fair that we celebrate aidilfitri at my parents house now that all 3 of us are living & residing in K...
Fasting : New Mommy Edition 2 Aug 2012 | 01:05 pm
This year is my first ramadhan as a mummy. last year Alhamdulillah I got to puasa full eventho I was preggers in my 1st trimester (week 5- week 8) . Blessed wif no morning sickness plus loss of appeti...
Fawwaz Amsyar's Cukur Jambul 19 Jul 2012 | 03:23 pm
After a long hiatus of event planning (oh even planning gathering for reunions are not enuf to satisfy me!) finally got to do some d-i-y projects for my baby boy's Cukur Jambul event. I chose for the...
Aween's Birth Experience 9 Jul 2012 | 05:00 pm
the most nerve-wrecking and feared moment, that i had been dreading ever since i knew i was pregnant...for most of my pregnancy i was able to not let the fear get to me too much, but i still broke dow...
A Great Joy Came :) 17 Apr 2012 | 10:38 pm
Alhamdulillah, me & hubby received the greatest gift on April 1st. A healthy & kicking (literally!) bundle of joy, our baby boy :) Assalamualaikum & Hi! My name is Fawwaz Amsyar Bin Mohd Faizal
Two Lines 15 Mar 2012 | 11:31 pm
Month of Ramadhan, 1432 Hijrah (August 2011) I was already in KK, semangat kemas rumah with all our stuff, interior decorating and learning how to start cooking simple dishes (thanx to w...