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Rule 63 of the internet 24 Jul 2012 | 02:35 am
This is a rule that, whilst it has been around for ages, has only recently come to my attention, and I am loving it! "Rule 63 states that if something exists, there is an opposite gender form of it" ...
What is a DOTA? 20 Jul 2012 | 08:22 pm
Hello boys and girls and various other Mammals (I believe one of our readers may be a monkey) and it's Peter Hellsing back with another blogpost, this time on the game DOTA 2 or Defence of theĀ Ancient...
What A Push Factor 11 Jul 2012 | 04:20 am
Hey guys and gals, again itĀ is Matt.... weird isn't it before I was the one who posted the least and now I am the only one who posts, oh well never mind anyway, I just wanna say that this saturday in ...
To be or not to be? 5 Jul 2012 | 10:54 pm
Hello again avid readers of this exciting and fascinating blog, I am sorry to say that it is Matt again here to annouce more on the topics of awesome... But I will keep it short as tonight I have only...
A matter of 1st person 30 Jun 2012 | 06:46 am
Hello Internet :) It is I again the crazy Matt and I have some more interesting movies for you to watch, have any of you ever seen a film which is made in 1st person, it is really weird I gotta say an...
Zz explains Anime - What is a Super Saiyan? Part 3 28 Jun 2012 | 06:42 pm
Step 5 - Super Saiyan Stages As you may or may not know, Super Saiyan isn't just the only stage of transformation a Saiyan can go through. There are two more main stages (three if you count GT). Thes...
Zz Explains Anime - What is a Super Saiyan? Part 2 26 Jun 2012 | 07:00 pm
Part 3 - What is a Super Saiyan? So, the main question. What is a Super Saiyan? A Super Saiyan is one of the most recognisable sights in modern anime. The parodies are everywhere, you just need to kn...
I'll Be Back 8) 24 Jun 2012 | 09:01 pm
Hello peoples :) guess who it is.... Matt (the crazy one) now I am sorry for not writing anything for a while, and as you may have read it is because of my GCSE's which as you can guess are very impor...
Zz Explains Anime - What is a Super Saiyan? Part 1 24 Jun 2012 | 07:00 pm
I was wandering about the Dragon Ball section of a forum I often frequent, when I saw something that almost stopped my heart. An honest-to-goodness thread asking "What is a Super Saiyan?" This gave me...
E3 2012 - The MegaPost! 22 Jun 2012 | 10:11 pm
For those of you who Don't know what E3 is it is the Electronic Entertainment Expo, or as I like to call it the yearly thing where we hear about loads and loads of awesome new games! This post is goi...