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FreshNeck - The Netflix of Ties 26 Aug 2013 | 05:13 pm
JPC and I are fortunate in that we are invited to tons of events that call for a more formal dress code. Lucky for us, we love dressing up too. Just like it’s a pain for ladies to purchase a new dress...
What I Read: July 2013 26 Aug 2013 | 02:17 am
I can’t believe it’s nearly the end of August and I’m just getting around to recapping my July reads! You know what they say, time flies while having fun :) I’ve been traveling for work and pleasure b...
You're Invited: Human Right Campaign Cleveland's Annual Gala 15 Aug 2013 | 05:48 am
The amazing organization that is the Human Right Campaign Cleveland is hosting their annual dinner gala next weekend, August 24th at The Cleveland Public Auditorium, and you’re invited. This year’s t...
The City Girl Goes Camping 12 Aug 2013 | 05:13 pm
A few weeks ago JPC and I packed up the car, the dogs, and our backpacks to brave the wilderness for 3 full days in Southern Ohio, specifically, Hocking Hills. Would you believe me if I told you this...
Music: We'll Never Be Royals 7 Aug 2013 | 05:34 pm
Guys, I usually don’t do this and am admittedly the least cool person I know when it comes to music (JP gives me nearly all my music recommendations and I just plug them into Spotify - just one of the...
Life Lately 5 Aug 2013 | 05:27 pm
I’m just going to be honest, life lately has been quite busy and quite stressful. I don’t mean to be dramatic or complain, but life has just been a little stifling as of late. Everyone has these types...
Playhouse Square Giveaway Winners! 2 Aug 2013 | 10:55 pm
Congrats to Crystal of Eat Drink Cleveland and commenter H_Ram for winning the Cinema at The Square giveaway from Playhouse Square. For those of you that didn’t win but would still like to attend you...
Cinema At The Square: A Cleveland Giveaway 30 Jul 2013 | 05:45 pm
Cleveland area readers, I have some exciting news to share! Playhouse Square’s Cinema at the Square is beginning this weekend and I have two vouchers to giveaway. Cinema at the Square is a celebratio...
Essential Wellness Supplements 22 Jul 2013 | 10:48 pm
Today on the blog I have Virginia Cunningham guest posting on health and wellness techniques. Below Virginia shares the easiest ways to get the supplements you need through the food available to us. T...
Time to Celebrate - Like an American 17 Jul 2013 | 07:12 pm
My most fabulous friends throw a killer 4th of July party each year at their home which has a phenomenal roof top deck overlooking Lake Erie — the best fireworks view in the city! While I’m a week or ...