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Talkin’ about LocalTalk 7 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm
Compared to today, computer networking in 1984 was heterogeneous, and compatibility between two systems from different vendors was unlikely. Every vendor developed their own proprietary and incompati...
Modem Sounds 16 Apr 2013 | 07:00 pm
Ever wonder what the comforting buzz of your modem is trying to say? I certainly do, and a fantastic picture and post from Oona Räisänen sheds some light on this.
High-Low Tech 8 Apr 2013 | 08:00 pm
One of the advantages of traveling is finding the “best of the best” and not being restricted to one city. Of course, it’s never easy finding the best stuff and having it match my travel schedule. Y...
Alan Kay on modern computers 4 Apr 2013 | 09:07 pm
David Greelish recently posted an interesting interview with Alan Kay, a visionary behind the modern graphical user interface. Interestingly, Kay argues that modern computers fall far short of the or...
MicroKIM 17 Feb 2013 | 01:54 am
The KIM-1 was an early single-board computer that helped introduce the “masses” to micro-computing with the MOS 6502 processor. MOS built and distributed the KIM-1, presumably to help sell more micro...
MiniRoboMind Board Support Package Release 3 Nov 2012 | 10:55 pm
I’m pleased to announce the release of my board support package for the MiniRoboMind (MRM). The MRM is a single-board computer based on the 68332 micro-controller and is the heart of BlueBot. I foun...
American Computer Museum 24 Sep 2012 | 09:00 pm
I recently visited the American Computer Museum in Bozeman, MT, which includes exhibits like an Apple I, assorted Apple IIs and Macs, two models of Altair systems, a PDP-8S, an IMSAI, electronic and m...
Interfacing the F18A to the Apple II 3 Sep 2012 | 06:00 pm
What does it take to interface the F18A, a modern FPGA-based clone of the venerable TM9918A Video Display Processor (VDP), to an Apple II? Short answer: not much. Here’s the long answer. Let’s start w...
Where are the sprites in my Apple? 30 Aug 2012 | 05:49 am
The Apple II, first announced in 1977, had in-built color graphics capabilities. Certainly, these capabilities are rudimentary by standards even five years later, but graphics capabilities were a big...
HackFest 2012 4 Aug 2012 | 07:00 pm
HackFest is both a tradition at KansasFest and for me personally. I find that as I attend more KansasFests, my HackFest projects get smaller simply because I’ve discovered all the fantastic off-sched...