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W.O.W. 8/25/13-Just a WOW 27 Aug 2013 | 06:33 am
I went to UE Sunday morning. The kids came and cleaned the facility. They each did a Big 3 (Leg Press, Pulldown, Chest Press) after I finished my WOW. I have a hectic stretch of ER work coming up, ...
W.O.W. 8/18/13-A Family Affair 19 Aug 2013 | 11:09 pm
The whole family went down to UE yestarday. The kids cleaned the facility while I did my WOW. Afterwards, they each did a Big 3 that included, Leg Press, Chest Press and Pulldown. They both are abl...
W.O.W. 8/11/13-Busy 14 Aug 2013 | 07:10 pm
I did the following WOW on Sunday before a 3pm-MN shift in the ER. My focus was to have as little “outroading” as possible as I wanted a good stimulus, but new that I would be in for a hectic shift....
W.O.W. 8/04/13-”Chasing Clarence” 6 Aug 2013 | 07:11 pm
Wendy and I did our WOW’s at UE after I got off work. It was later in the day than we usually work out (which Wendy hates), but we both had great workouts. Doug: MedX Overhead Press, Nautilus Plate ...
W.O.W. 7/28/13-The One Hour Transformation 29 Jul 2013 | 11:10 pm
I did the following WOW after completing a day shift at the ER. I am in the middle of a long run of shifts, so I abbreviated things a bit. Lumbar Extension on SS Systems pulldown MedX Chest Press ...
W.O.W. 7/12/13-What does a seizure medicine have to do with post workout depression? 18 Jul 2013 | 08:40 am
I did the following WOW this past Friday. MedX Overhead Press Thick Bar Biceps Curl Nautilus Plate Load Triceps with SS retrofits Thick Bar Reverse Curl MedX Leg Press This was a great workout. ...
W.O.W. 7/7/13- Strength is Easy; Hypertrophy is Hard 10 Jul 2013 | 08:26 am
Wendy and I did our WOW’s on Sunday. We both had great workouts. Wendy is expanding her workouts to include some TSC and Pre-exhaust work. We both were very sore on Monday, but not systemically wip...
W.O.W.’s 6/23 and 6/29/13-Does Cheating Pay? Does the Neck Respond to Indirect Training? 1 Jul 2013 | 12:17 am
After the great workouts under Skyler’s supervision at Efficient Exercise in Austin, Tx we returned home to face the post-vacation payback. I have worked a lot of shifts in the ER to pay back the def...
W.O.W. 6/11/13-Skyler Tanner and the Secret Ingredient Soup 14 Jun 2013 | 04:55 am
While we were in Texas visiting family, we called Skyler Tanner to see if he could fit me and Wendy in for a workout. He found slots for us on Tuesday morning and we did the following WOW’s. Doug Glu...
W.O.W. 5/30 and 6/03/13-The Four Rep Workout 4 Jun 2013 | 05:58 am
These were my last two WOW’s. Both were done at UE. It is amazing how much I can get done with much less volume. It is also amazing what a difference 61 degrees and fans everywhere makes. The firs...