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The Herd, “2020,” music video by Mike Daly (buh-bye, 2008!) 1 Jan 2009 | 02:32 am
(Video embed above, and here’s a direct MP4 download.) A special treat from Boing Boing tv for your New Year’s eve revelry, we’re gonna sneak this one last episode in before the clock strikes 2009 he...
Boing Boing tv faves from 2008: Mark’s Tour of Intelligentsia Coffee 31 Dec 2008 | 05:22 pm
Another installment in our “faves from 2008″ BoingBoing tv retrospective — this two-parter in which Mark Frauenfelder gets an exclusive tour of Intelligentsia Coffee & Tea. Above, part one, below, par...
Boing Boing faves from 2008: George Lucas in “The Boba Fett Mystique” 31 Dec 2008 | 04:29 pm
We’re revisiting some of our favorite Boing Boing tv episodes during the holiday break, and while the one I’m embedding here (MP4 link here) is perhaps not going to win any Pulitzers, it was one of th...
Boing Boing tv Best of 2008: TCHOcolate Magical Mystery Tour Trilogy 30 Dec 2008 | 10:04 pm
Continuing in our retrospective of favorite BBtv episodes from 2008, today’s feature is an encore presentation of our three-part visit to the delicious, trippy, techy TCHO factory in San Francisco. Th...
BBtv Favorites from 2008: TechShop, a Community Tinkering Space 29 Dec 2008 | 09:13 pm
(Flash embed above, downloadable MP4 link here.) Continuing in our retrospective of favorite Boing Boing tv episodes, we revisit the fun we had checking out TechShop, an open-access public workshop t...
BBtv .08 retrospective: “Animals,” by Minilogue (dir: Kristofer Ström) 26 Dec 2008 | 07:04 pm
Continuing in our lazy-time retrospective of favorite Boing Boing tv episodes from the past year, we revisit an animated music video gem by Kristofer Ström of Ljudbilden & Piloten, based in Sweden. H...
David “Simpsons” Silverman’s Holiday cards, and Tuba Carols 25 Dec 2008 | 07:01 pm
Happy holidays from Boing Boing tv! Continuing in our retrospective of favorite episodes from our first year: Each year, David Silverman (director of the Simpsons Movie, and longtime director of the ...
Christmas Cards from a K’iche Maya Pueblo. 24 Dec 2008 | 05:37 pm
This week, the Boing Boing tv crew is taking a week off, and we’ve been revisiting some of the episodes that mean the most to us over the past year. For me, for many reasons, the three episodes we pr...
Joel Johnson on the Road to CES: What Do You Want? (BBtv + BB Gadgets) 23 Dec 2008 | 08:55 pm
Continuing in Boing Boing tv’s “Road to CES” series, Joel Johnson at Boing Boing Gadgets sez: Although we didn’t bother with CES last year, this year the Boing Boing team will be out in the cold Las ...
Best of BBtv in 2008: Xeni Flies in Zero Gravity 23 Dec 2008 | 04:50 pm
Continuing in our retrospective of favorite Boing Boing tv episodes from 2008, we return to zero gravity today. With me on the Zero-G weightless flight featured in this episode are Intel Chairman Cra...