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Moving Into The Future-Flash & 3D Animation 7 Apr 2008 | 12:04 am
Watch more cool animation and creative cartoons at aniBoom Once upon a time, animation was painstakingly hand-drawn in multiple stages by sweatshop teams of artists who mad no pretensions to realism....
Crazy Funny Retro T-shirts 4 Apr 2008 | 08:47 am
A T-shirt is more than a piece of apparel. It is your personal billboard and art gallery, a way to say something to every person who dares to look at you, even (or especially) people you’d otherwise n...
Breaking News: JM Sex Scandal Derails Campaign Train 1 Apr 2008 | 09:39 am
Sex Scandal Revelation Rocks Repubican Restrooms (A.P.*-Toostoned, AZ) In a shocking turn of events carefully calculated to distract attention from the plodding economy and deteriorating situation i...
The Great Dot Asia Land Grab 28 Mar 2008 | 07:21 pm
The Great (.asia) Land Grab Outside of the webmaster world, the average internet user can barely spell TLD, let alone define it. For domainers and SEO-driven site flippers, however, the availability ...
You’re So Vain! You probably think this blog is about you. 21 Feb 2008 | 09:43 pm
Every once in a while we hear from someone that the Book of Moron is supposed to be some sort of reference to their Church, which seems to be some kind of LSD cult in Wyoming or something. I don’t hon...
Support a Moron! 25 Jan 2008 | 06:23 pm
So, you've probably been asking yourself, "How can I help those dorks at Book of Moron get a life?" Well, we can't go anywhere until at least a million of you have visited and in some way contributed...
And now, on the lighter side…how would you like to die? 19 Nov 2007 | 11:33 pm
Have you ever desperately wanted to end it all, but stopped short because you still had that final message to the world? A last screw-you to you-know-who? Afraid take the plunge because instead of ma...
Desktop Adrenaline & Gut-Busting Guide 19 Nov 2007 | 05:46 pm
Those of you who follow our stupidity diaries at Book of Moron have probably realized that we spend most of our time hunting the best sites for fooling around and screwing off on the web. We don’t do...
Tech Wars 1011: Sitefin Blog Spanks Pyron Technologies 18 Nov 2007 | 10:28 am
What do you get when you take atrocious web development and even worse marketing? A void to be filled with your critics. Enter the Sitefin blog. Apparently someone out there was due for a karmic span...
El Dorado Quest 15 Nov 2007 | 06:01 pm
And from our Time Consumption Department: More great ways to avoid whatever you were supposed to be doing El Dorado Quest This is your chance to become a real treasure hunter! Join Bob and Jane on ...