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Letter from the Editors 14 Jul 2013 | 07:13 pm
After 15 issues, over 200,000 newspapers, submissions from smart contributors across the U.S., and enduring encouragement and support from our loyal readers, the Boston Occupier is in a transitional p...
Sunday Reads 12 May 2013 | 06:30 pm
SUNDAY READS: Sundays are for reading the paper. This week’s favorites: 1.“Surviving City Cycling” by Kendra Moyer 2. “Peace Warrior” by Sage Radachowsky
Hong Kong Dockers Claim Victory 9 May 2013 | 11:47 pm
Published on May 7th on Labornotes at A 40-day strike of more than 500 dockworkers at the Port of Hong Kong ended yesterday with a se...
Surviving City Cycling 9 May 2013 | 09:00 pm
Cycling in a city like Boston, with a dense population and a constant maze of traffic, must be approached with both intuition and common sense. Beyond the general rules of wearing a helmet and havin...
Peace Warrior 8 May 2013 | 08:55 pm
Carlos Arredondo of Roslindale is the man in the cowboy hat in the most famous photo from the Boston Marathon bombings. In the photo, he is rescuing Jeff Bauman, who lost both of his legs below the kn...
Amity on Three Wheels 7 May 2013 | 09:00 pm
These days, it seems like just about everything in our society is designed to keep us apart from one another. As a fellow pedicabber remarked recently—ironically enough, using Facebook— “…the more we ...
Criminalizing Black Freedom: Assata Shakur on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist List 7 May 2013 | 08:41 pm
On Thursday, May 2, 2013, Eric Holder’s Justice Department re-opened a 40-year-old case, adding Assata Shakur to the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist List alongside an inflated reward to $2 million for Sha...
The Slow Track to High Speed Rail 6 May 2013 | 08:18 pm
In April 2009, President Obama stood with Vice President Joe Biden and U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood and announced his grand vision for a national high-speed rail system. Less than 100 d...
SUNDAY READS 5 May 2013 | 05:57 pm
SUNDAY READS: Sundays are for reading the paper. This week’s favorites: 1. “What Would Wanna Say about Cyclist Machismo?” by Wanna. Middle-finger Up, Street Harassment Down. 2....
May Day 2013 3 May 2013 | 06:47 pm
This May Day, over 1000 immigrant workers and their community allies rallied in East Boston’s Central Square to call for improved wages, safer working conditions, and for Congress to pass immigration ...