Boutrosfonts - - Boutros Arabic Calligraphy, Type & Logo Design

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Mourad Boutros to showcase his art at Abu Dhabi International Hunting & Equestrian Exhibition 2013 16 Aug 2013 | 12:36 am
Abu Dhabi, the UAE capital, is set to host an art exhibition for artist and calligrapher Mourad Boutros between 4 and 7 September 2013 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre [ADNEC], as part of t...
Art in Action 19 Jul 2013 | 02:51 pm
Art in Action is a unique event where visitors can witness a wide range of artists and craftsmen at work. They come from many disciplines and encompass a myriad of forms and traditions. Highlights for...
MAKING FACES 4 Nov 2012 | 05:24 pm
Who should attend this workshop? Whether you are a: graphic designer interested in the creation of Arabic fonts, typography enthusiast who would like to have a go at designing Arabic fonts, an Arabic ...
Boutros Shire Type Arabic 13 Oct 2012 | 04:13 pm
Boutros Shire Type - OpenType One weight An Arabic typeface firmly rooted in the English Shires Boutros, in conjunction with type designer Jeremy Tankard, has launched Shire Types Arabic, an Arabic ty...
معرض "الصقور" لمراد بطرس 5 Oct 2012 | 01:00 pm
قدم الفنان مراد بطرس معرضا فريدا حيث جمعت لوحاته التي ركزت علي الصقور بين الفن المعاصر و الخط العربي وذلك في إطار فعاليات المعرض الدولي للصيد و الفروسية. ...
ريشته تخط الخيل والصقور والأمثال والمحبة معرض فني لمراد بطرس ضمن "المعرض الدولي للصيد والفروسية ٢٠١٢ 25 Aug 2012 | 07:49 pm
أبوظبي، الامارات العربية المتحدة، آب (أغسطس) ٢٠١٢ – تستضيف العاصمة الاماراتية أبوظبي معرضاً للفنان والخطاط مراد بطرس ما بين ٥ و٨ أيلول (سبتمبر) ٢٠١٢ في مركز ابو ظبي للمعارض ضمن المعرض الدولي للصيد وال...
Mourad Boutros to showcase his art at Abu Dhabi International Hunting & Equestrian Exhibition 2012 25 Aug 2012 | 07:49 pm
Abu Dhabi, the UAE capital, is set to host an art exhibition for artist and calligrapher Mourad Boutros between 5 and 8 September 2012 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre [ADNEC], as part of t...