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Guardian rushes to the defence of man who used false passport to enter Britain 27 Aug 2013 | 07:25 pm
Ever showboating for a pro-immigrant cause to jump on, this week sees the Guardian championing one Roudi Chikhi – a Kurd who entered the UK on an illegal passport and was subsequently jailed (but stil...
Sexual diseases in the young rise by 50% – but how many are imported? 27 Aug 2013 | 06:08 pm
The media today is telling us how sexually transmitted infections, STI, have risen by 50% in the young over the last 10 years. Just for reference, here’s a few sobering facts – of course promiscuity ...
Ron Atkinson in race row over Muslim bomb joke on Big Brother 27 Aug 2013 | 04:10 pm
Another day, another race row – this time it’s Ron Atkinson in trouble for joking on Big Brother about a woman in a headscarf carrying a bomb. He’s had a warning, the media is literally foaming at th...
Cornish chapel daubed with hateful graffiti – funny all the tabloids aren’t screaming hate crime like they do with mosques 25 Aug 2013 | 02:51 pm
Not making much of an impression in the national media is news that a chapel in Cornwall has been vandalised and had ’666′, along with swear word littered graffiti, daubed on it. The chapel, in Tywar...
Closing Muslim TV channel which called for the killing of non-Muslims would interfere with their freedom of expression! 22 Aug 2013 | 01:47 pm
Imagine the outcry if the host on a television channel called for the murder of Muslims. Doors would be swiftly kicked in by the police, arrests would be made, the channel would probably lose its lic...
BREAKING NEWS!! Muslim extremist leader Abu Izzadeen attacks Chairman Paul Golding! 21 Aug 2013 | 01:11 am
Today, I visited the innocuous ‘Yummy Yummy’ sweet shop*, in the heart of Islamic East London. This shop is where the notorious, vile Muslim extremist leader Abu Izzadeen works and also where his fel...
CAMPAIGN UPDATE: Massive publicity after Britain First highlights case of dinner lady sacked for serving Muslim child pork 20 Aug 2013 | 10:24 pm
After Britain First highlighted the plight of Alison Waldock, the dinner lady sacked for serving a Muslim child who asked for pork with a gammon dinner, the media and mainstream grabbed the issue by t...
Muslim woman disgusted and physically sick after non-halal chicken shock! 20 Aug 2013 | 03:22 pm
Spare a thought for poor Muslim Fayah Hussain, who only eats halal meat, who claims she was physically sick after finding chicken in a vegetarian pasta meal. Boots at Birmingham airport, where she bo...
Another vile child pornographer escapes a prison sentence 19 Aug 2013 | 07:21 pm
Gary Taylor, 44, of Biddulph, has avoided a prison sentence despite being caught with thousands of sickening images of child pornography. Among the images were 1,893 at level 4, and a single image at...
Migration Matters accuses those predicting Romanian influx of partisan and divisive politics 19 Aug 2013 | 03:07 pm
Left leaning think tank Migration Matters has hit out at claims Britain will be swamped with Romanians and Bulgarians once restrictions are lifted next year. Says director Atul Hawal: Our belief is ...