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Cyprus depositors with more than 100,000 euros (£84,300; $128,200) could lose up to 60% of their savings 30 Mar 2013 | 07:54 pm
Bank of Cyprus depositors with more than 100,000 euros (£84,300; $128,200) could lose up to 60% of their savings as part of an EU-IMF bailout restructuring move, officials say. The central bank says ...
Welcome to the NWO steal what they want when they want 27 Mar 2013 | 04:27 pm
British savers in Spain and Italy could be next to suffer a Cyprus-style raid on bank accounts if those struggling economies fail again, it was warned today. Investors have reacted nervously in the t...
Live NEWS = UK weather: Winter's bowing out with a chilly cheerio: More snow and below average temperatures set to stay until end of the week 25 Feb 2013 | 06:05 am
Hardy women braved the cold as forecasters said the snow flurries and frost will hit the country. They said the Arctic weather will continue until the beginning of March when spring should arrive. Vi...
MERRY CHRISTMAS 26 Dec 2012 | 02:25 am
Live NEWS = Nasa gets up close with mystery martian object as engineers admit they 'simply don't know' if it fell from Curiosity 10 Oct 2012 | 08:14 pm
NASA has revealed new pictures of the mystery object its Curiosity rover found on the Martian surface. Engineers believe it may have fallen from the rover itself, and have halted work why they try to ...
Floods ! 30 Sep 2012 | 01:11 am
Well last year it was an earthquake & this year I've been flooded out ! It's an absolute disaster area again here , although this time it's us peasants in the outskirts that have been devastated. the ...
UK Business forums the worst moderating team in the world 22 Sep 2012 | 09:20 pm
You have received a new private message at UK Business Forums from Moderator, entitled "You have received an infraction at UK Business Forums". This is the message that was sent: *************** Dear...
well i have excelled this time ... must be a record surely ?? LOL 6 Sep 2012 | 12:09 am
Well this one i must admit beats them all.. knowing i am about to be banned from a business forum as i have had my last strike, so now 1 left, i figure i best get new one ready .. so i register at thi...
For Xtremes technical opinion if he is watching and not walking donkeys ? 3 Sep 2012 | 08:45 pm
Strange search thing.. i had to find a company i found the website and it flashed up a Spanish warning .. kind of dontio touchio or naffio Computerio .. type of warning !! so left it alone.. figured ...
Wait and Wait and Wait and Wait !!! 3 Sep 2012 | 08:32 pm
Well what i do now ,is i Wait and wait and wait !! Never back in blighty have i done so much waiting.. !! I am waiting the Metal place to come back from holidays, waitting for parts from Barcelona th...