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Last Column (For Now) At MMORPG 30 Jun 2012 | 09:55 am
The last column for awhile is up. Not that I wasn’t allowed to keep writing them, I just had a feeling that I wouldn’t have the bandwidth for the column. It’s nice to be right occasionally. The last ...
Braaaaaaaaaains! 21 Jun 2012 | 03:09 am
I’m gonna need braaaaaaaaaaains! I’m the community weenie for Undead Labs. They’re making a single player console game that will serve as their proof-of-concept for an MMO that won’t be like anything...
But While I’m Between Jobs 19 Jun 2012 | 05:15 am
I did promise to give the brief version of “what happened” at the last gig. Let’s see if I can manage “brief” for the first time in my life. Unfortunately for my more gossip-oriented readers, there a...
Guess I’m Going To Hold Off On The Ebook 19 Jun 2012 | 04:13 am
I’m starting a new job on Wednesday. Unlike most of my past employers, this one is actually totally okay with me doing my own projects. As anyone who was ever a four year old can attest, that freedom...
Dominus, and Other Things 31 May 2012 | 11:14 pm
I sat down to write the “what the hell happened” post for my last gig three times this month. The first time, I raised my hands to type and let them fall back into my lap. I had an MMORPG column due ...
Take A Minute 28 May 2012 | 08:04 am
Just a quick note – the 3 PM minute tomorrow is kind of a big deal. My players who have served in the armed forces are very dear to me. The ones I’ve lost were brave and good and honorable, and they w...
The Thing About Writing For Pay 1 May 2012 | 02:41 am
…is that your own blog lies fallow when you do. Whenever I have a halfway decent idea for a professional blog post, I’ve been saving it for MMORPG. Generally speaking I’ve been dumping a lot of words...
Things I Should Not Have To Explain 10 Apr 2012 | 02:20 pm
As a community person, you will pose for photos with many, many players. After awhile, you grow weary of a simple smile. You think, hey, I’ll spice this up with a gesture. Peace sign, fine. The sign...
Beware of Hotel California 5 Apr 2012 | 03:30 pm
When someone posts a long list of “goodies” that their company provides, don’t be jealous. If you get an offer from that company, make sure the money is awesome. I mean, take your usual salary and add...
Can’t Have It Both Ways 21 Mar 2012 | 03:04 am
I touched on this topic in my last column for MMORPG (the which came across as comedy, I hope, but I meant every word), but this morning I’ve read two stories where fairly large companies were just No...