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In desperate need of inspiration… 26 Jun 2010 | 06:28 am
It’s been a while folks… Still at it — a little on the frustrated side…trying to be patient. School has been out for more than a month now and despite working out pretty darn regularly and watching ...
Race Walking kicked my ass! 15 Jan 2010 | 05:55 pm
If you know me then you know my ultimate goal is to be a runner…I love running…I am training for a 10k as we speak. But my friend Nicole asked me if I would like to join her on a 3 mile walk today - ...
Apparently Homeland Security does not like me…LOL Sorry Jane!! LOL 10 Jan 2010 | 06:57 pm
So amazingly enough I am down a pound - how did that happen? Not really sure…LOL I only ran once this week and my eating leaves a lot to be desired…but I have increased my intake of water to what it...
Flirty Girl Fitness and a little friendly competition….LOL 7 Jan 2010 | 08:33 am
So I woke up this morning totally fired up! I promised to get back on plan on the 5th of January - which I did - but it wasnt until this morning that I woke up with the EXCITEMENT of the process. Wh...
First run of the year - and MAN was it U-G-L-Y! 6 Jan 2010 | 10:59 am
So yesterday was day one back on track - I promised myself that I would start on the 4th and I did. I ran run #1 in my 10k training program and boy oh boy was it ugly!! Holy crap! Before finals I h...
Here I am again…=) 5 Jan 2010 | 10:48 am
It has been a long while since I have been on here. But I am back now - and I am happy to see some of my old Buddyslim buddies are still here! When I left I had just started the BSN program at Washi...
BSN program, Bob Harper and Downward Dog - YEAH BABY!! 16 Jan 2009 | 02:35 pm
Hi everyone! Just wanted to say hello! Nursing school started and I am swamped…the baby has been sick and he generously shared with is momma (thank you very much - I really needed that!) I am so ex...
I am in LOVE with the Wii Fit!! 5 Jan 2009 | 07:45 am
Oh my goodness!! I LOVE this thing! My mom bought it for me for Christmas and it took a week before I could steal it back from my kids because they love it too…LOL But I have really gotten in to it!...
My buddies…I fell off the wagon - hell, who am I kidding? I COULDNT FIND the wagon…thank God for GPS…LOL!! 3 Jan 2009 | 07:11 am
Yes, I fell off the weight loss, exercise wagon for the last week. I couldn’t even FIND that stupid wagon. But last night as I was laying around being lazy after eating whatever I wanted for the 7th...
I HAVE THE WORST HANGOVER!!!!! 28 Dec 2008 | 06:12 am
No lie, and it has nothing to do with alcohol! I seriously think it is a food, carb, fat hangover! NO JOKE! I woke up this morning around 4 am with a hangover headache from hell and it is still ha...