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Three Photo Tips 26 Aug 2013 | 01:30 pm
If you really want to take great pictures, it’s like anything else. You need to practice, practice, and then practice some more. Someone somewhere said it takes 10,000 hours to become really proficien...
Photography Apps for the Smart Phone, Part 5 14 Aug 2013 | 10:30 am
As you may recall, over the last week or so, I’d been sharing some thoughts on various types of photography-related apps for the smart phone, ranging from how to set up your camera, (SetMyCamPro), set...
Explaining the Canon Lens Line-Up 12 Aug 2013 | 10:30 am
Whilst unpacking our recent move from Colorado back to Ohio (now nestled in Cleveland), I was sorting through the stacks of papers that I didn’t have to sift through prior to the move, and came across...
Photography Apps for the Smart Phone, Part 4 7 Aug 2013 | 10:30 am
The recurring theme recently has been photo apps for your Smart Phone. I’ve talked already about some of my favorites, including SetMyCamPro, EasyRelease, and most recently Color Splash. If you noti...
Photography Apps for the Smart Phone, Part 3 5 Aug 2013 | 10:30 am
Last week I breathed some life back into the blog with a few smart phone photo apps. You can check out the write-ups for both SetMyCamPro and Easy Release here and here. Continuing along that theme,...
Photography Apps for the Smartphone, Part 2 2 Aug 2013 | 10:30 am
Earlier this week, I started diving back into active blogging with a review/write-up of a smartphone app called SetMyCamPro. You can read more about it here, but I’d like to continue the theme of som...
Photography Apps for the Smart Phone, Part 1 28 Jul 2013 | 10:30 am
In getting back into things as I settle down into a new position that travels much less frequently, gives me more time with family and photography, I’d like to start off with a series of reviews on va...
Got your camera glasses on? 22 Jul 2013 | 10:30 am
It always pays to keep your camera glasses on, even when you don’t have a camera right in front of you. While talking with the folks after our furniture finally arrived last Friday, I was taking a br...
The Final Push 15 Jul 2013 | 05:07 pm
Very exciting news in my little corner of the globe as we’ve finally closed escrow on our new digs! It happened Friday, so naturally Saturday and Sunday were spent college-style, huddled around boxes...
Triptych Photography 101 1 Jul 2013 | 10:30 am
In photography, there are lots of crazy semantics to understand! Everything from ISO’s and apertures, to shutters, diopters and f-stops, ASA’s and guide numbers are all part of the craft. Heck, ther...