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How to take your “Um, duh!” skills + create a class that will blow your clients minds. (Even though it’s so darn simple.) 26 Aug 2013 | 08:12 pm
Have you ever had a conversation like this? Client: Hey, what would you recommend that I do about _______? You: Well, obviously, the best thing to do would be _______. You could also explore _____...
Crazy sales-y claims that drive me crrrrrazy — and how to avoid sounding like a used car salesman 6 Aug 2013 | 09:39 pm
“Lose 40 pounds in 40 days, while pouring bags of Cheetos down your gullet!” “Build a six-figure business while working from home for just six minutes a day — in six weeks or less!” “Help me secure ...
Epic movie trailers, Ben Affleck quotes + pumpkin lattes: how I get PUMPED to launch a new offering. 5 Aug 2013 | 10:54 pm
This is it. GO time. Game day. It’s ON. You’ve just created a fabulous new offering that you just KNOW everyone is going to love. It’s so darn helpful! It’s beautifully packaged! The price is right!...
My all-time favorite TV characters … and what each one has taught me about sales 31 Jul 2013 | 09:25 pm
Forget the “business” section at Barnes + Noble — some of the best sales lessons you’ll ever learn can be found right in your Netflix queue. It’s true: if you watch TV like a savvy detective, you’ll ...
How to Make a Crummy Day Better 10 Jul 2013 | 08:39 pm
Yesterday … I had a crummy day. In the beginning of my day, all signs pointed to “yay – this day rocks!” I woke up early, drank my almond butter + jelly green smoothie, sweated through Pilates, then...
How to make your whole publicity plan feel like a guilty pleasure 1 Jul 2013 | 09:09 pm
Do you ever feel like doing something … anything … else instead of promoting your business? You’ll puke if you have to pitch one more “influential blogger.” You’ll throw a hissy fit if you have to w...
Behind the Scenes: Creating a Compelling Opt-In Offer 6 Jun 2013 | 01:17 am
Wayyy back in the beginning days of my business, I would always hear that I had to build my list if I ever wanted to be successful online. This advice was sound…over the years I’ve built a highly-enga...
Behind-the-Scenes: How I Get Creative 22 May 2013 | 05:10 am
One of my favorite things about my TV obsessions (ummm…Game of Thrones) is the behind-the-scenes featurettes where you get to hear all of the actor’s “real” accents and score a delicious glimpse into ...
What’s your {Business} Fantasy? 14 May 2013 | 09:33 pm
The word “fantasy” is usually married to the word “sex.” And while sexual fantasies are totally delicious, healthy + natural, we’re dishing on a different type of fantasy today. What I really want to ...
How to Write Hot + Juicy Blog Posts (and other types of content) 19 Apr 2013 | 10:39 pm
Ever read a hot + juicy blog post and think, “Why can’t I do that?!” You’re not alone. A couple weeks ago, I popped a couple questions to my crew — I wanted to know how people felt when they sat down ...