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Magento Notes — Bulk update of Product tax class 27 Jul 2010 | 11:31 am
Just as we are ready to go live on one of my client’s web site, we started to test the tax rules just to make sure that taxes would apply properly. To our surprise, it DIDN’T! After verifying the ta...
Magento Notes - Add gift wrap service at checkout 9 Jul 2010 | 06:52 pm
Searched high and low for a way to add gift-wrap service, and came across an excellent solution on the Magento forum. Here’s the link:
Magento Notes - Quick way to update pricing for all products 11 Jun 2010 | 05:44 am
Had a need to increase pricing for ALL products in the Magento store by $5.00, below is the script that I ran directly in phpadmin that takes care of this: UPDATE catalog_product_entity_decimal val ...
Just launched using NOPCommerce 6 May 2010 | 02:49 am
NopCommerce ( is the closest thing to Magento except that it runs on Microsoft’s .NET instead of the LAMP stack. It’s still a long way to go for NOP to catch up with where Magento...
Magento Notes — Customizing the RSS Feed that Magento Outputs 12 Nov 2009 | 04:47 am
One of the marketing strategy employed by many e-commerce sits is to provide product feeds (RSS) to have them be displayed in an affiliate or partner blog or content-driven web sites. I’ve recently c...
Magento Notes — Add Address Field to Customer Export 3 Oct 2009 | 10:46 am
Recently came across something weird when a client asked how come when they are in the admin interface: Customers -> Manage Customers, and then they click on “Export to CSV” the Address field isn’t ex...
Magento Notes — Adding Company Name, Address, Phone in Registration Form 27 Aug 2009 | 04:41 am
This is a simple yet practical fix that, for some reason, Magento never got around to enabling upto Magento Version Basically by default the Magento registration form only requires you to en... for Sale 29 Jul 2009 | 03:50 am
We are selling our e-commerce web site: Why are we selling? Becuase we have more projects to work on, and we simply don’t have time to operate the business side of the e-commerce site...
Digg Clone — PLIGG — Showcasing News.52my.Info 19 Jul 2009 | 02:23 am
Look around on the net and search for a digg-like software to create a social voting news platform, you will most likely find Pligg as the popular choice of open source software that does pretty much ...
Performance tuning for Magento 27 Jun 2009 | 05:53 pm
For the most part, I have used WAMP on Windows XP for development and used Simple Helix for magento hosting; they really do make Magento run fast on their server. Recently working on a project in whi...