Celebritybabyclothes - celebritybabyclothes.com - Celebrity Baby Clothes

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Cupcakes & A Royal Baby 8 Jul 2013 | 10:34 am
There are very few things better then a delicious cupcake. If the cupcake happens to be from Sprinkles Cupcakes, a celebrity mom well known favorite (yes, we’re talking about you Katie), then even bet...
Win With Svan 21 May 2013 | 07:00 am
As featured on Ellen’s Mothers Day show, Svan’s Signet could be yours just by entering their contest!!! What are you waiting for mamma? Enter HERE Win With Svan is a post from: Celebrity Baby Cloth...
A Girl Can Never Have To Many Pairs Of Shoes 21 May 2013 | 06:52 am
We’re almost too afraid to say it…in case we spoil the warmer weather on the way…but we think its just about time to break out the sandals. Wearing summer shoes just might inspire Mother Nature to tu...
Disney’s New Fantasyland Is All That & Then Some 29 Apr 2013 | 07:05 am
Having been to Disney World a few times over the last few years with my family, the news that Fantasyland was expanding was really exciting. Magic Kingdom in Orlando is loved by so many people and ho...
Fancy Tees & Onesies You’ll Want…We Promise 19 Apr 2013 | 06:12 am
Is it finally Spring yet? Must be, as we finally gave in and let our youngest toss her coat off at the playground to run about in her tee shirt and jeans. No hat, no mitts and no coat. Finally! Tim...
Beatrix New York Impresses Us Again 1 Apr 2013 | 07:39 am
We’ve been long time fans of the fresh kid gear at Beatrix New York. In fact, we’re still toting one of their stylish yet sturdy wheelie suitcases on our family vacations. With our 4 year old starting...
Soft As A Baby’s Bottom 18 Feb 2013 | 07:58 am
All this mothering has left a definite mark on my sensitive skin. Up late and throughout the night…early mornings…dehydrated from lack of time to care for myself and little time left to pamper my ski...
Finally…We Have A Nanny 6 Feb 2013 | 07:52 am
We do have a nanny…not the traditional type, but perhaps one even better. It’s a coveted Toy Nanny from the smart mom’s at 2 Red Hens. They have created a circular blanket with mesh pockets and a so...
Hip, Modern & On Sale! 21 Jan 2013 | 07:13 am
Have you heard about Aven Clothing? We discovered it a few weeks back and have been ohhing & ahhing ever since. Aven is all about cool, edgy clothes for boys….nothing cutesy or adorable. Just well ...
Protect Their Skin 15 Jan 2013 | 07:42 am
With three kids, we’ve tried just about every cream and ointment there is during the cold harsh winter months. All three children get red chapped cheeks and dry weathered lips no matter what we do. ...