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Ebooks, Kindle and PDFs, Oh My! 6 Jul 2011 | 02:00 am
How do I turn this on? When it comes to books nowadays, you’ll hear many terms thrown around pretty regularly: Ebook, PDF, Kindle, Nook, ePub, .mobi…the list goes on. We don’t blame you for being co...
Charfish is alive and well…with a new design to prove it! 22 Jun 2011 | 03:00 am
Welcome to the new Charfish Design…uh…design! A bit about the new design, what prompted it and what’s coming up: First off, the new design was built to be fast. Google is up to new things as usual, ...
The Charfish Design Manifesto 13 Apr 2010 | 03:21 pm
Why a manifesto? Because in a world where everyone’s a designer, designing isn’t enough anymore. Clients want to know what’s behind their projects and the people that do them. Some say technology is...
Free Goodies: Paint Textures 26 Feb 2010 | 05:30 am
Free Paint Textures for your designing pleasure. Oh yes! Everyone has spent the last month or so crying for the lack of free items, I know. So here you are, some funky peeling-paint textures. You can...
Ebook Myths #2 – “It’s okay if my ebook looks lousy. It’s free.” 2 Feb 2010 | 02:00 am
Question: When it comes to putting out your own ebook, is a standard Word template good enough? Answer: Hahahahahahaha! We are continuing today with the series on ebook design. This time we’re going...
Free Goodies: Nature Textures 23 Jan 2010 | 02:00 am
Can’t get enough free textures? Well, you are in luck, because I LOVE giving away free stuff. And I love getting free stuff. So if you have any extra cakes that you don’t want, send them my way! Stuf...
How to Make Your Website Look Better, Part 3: Color Unity 19 Jan 2010 | 03:00 am
Is your website a noxious visual miasma? A hideous concoction of strident hues? A vomitous amalgamation of eye-related wretchedness? Well, this post may be for you. You know how when you walk into Ba...
Free Goodies: Wood Textures 14 Jan 2010 | 02:00 am
We promised free items for you to send to your Grandma, so here they are. See, we weren’t just kidding around. Everybody loves textures, and since we use them on practically everything we make, we th...
18 months of business and what I’ve learned along the way 11 Jan 2010 | 03:33 pm
In mid-2008, Charfish Design became an actual, legal, tax-paying company. I’d like to tell you how my time in the trenches has been so far, and what I’ve learned along the way. What you’re about to r...
A new site, a new employee and a new year! 4 Jan 2010 | 04:43 pm
In which you ask of Charlie, “Now why don’t he write?”, he explains it all and you laugh tears of joy and kindly forgive him. Happy New Year, everyone, and welcome to the newly revamped Charfish Desi...