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Poke technique: Remembering the basics 11 May 2012 | 10:27 pm
Do you play a lot of poker with friends or maybe at your local casino? Does everything seem like a routine to you: you buy into the game, play, and go home? Along the way, you might be giving away chi...
Poker Chips and their Importance 25 Dec 2010 | 12:36 pm
The game of poker is incomplete without poker chips. There are more than 65,000,000 in USA who are addicted to the game of poker. Poker is a very popular game across the globe. This article will enlig...
durrrr beats up Alan Meltzer 7 Nov 2010 | 08:38 pm
Sick river call by donkball Alan Meltzer who obviously is as easy as Jennifer Tilly on hard liquor, but a strangely played hand by durrrr too… Click here to view the embedded video. Redonkulous turn...
The Poker Face 2 Oct 2010 | 06:08 am
You must have heard the phrase poker face a number of times while playing the daunting and dynamic game of poker. You must be thinking what does poker face mean? Well, it’s time to educate all the na...
Online Poker Scandal (60 Minutes) 3 Aug 2010 | 02:11 am
If you haven’t seen this footage from 60 Minutes, check it out below, it’s extremely valuable for anyone playing poker online, whether it’s on any of the poker sites mentioned, or on the up&up sites l...
Final Table; World Series of Poker 2009 11 May 2010 | 10:56 am
Absolutely life-changing money for both Joe Cada and Darvin Moon – a great Atmosphere at the Rio All-Suite Hotel in Las Vegas, and a great series of heads-up poker hands in what was the ultimate poker...
A Public Service Announcement 3 Mar 2010 | 04:12 am
Click here to view the embedded video. I’m not going to talk against the thing I love — but if you do have a gambling or poker addiction problem, please proceed to some of these great resources on th...