Cheriblocksabraw - - Notes from Around the Block

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Egyptians’ Day of Rage? 16 Aug 2013 | 10:56 pm
by cheri sabraw I see that Egypt’s Islamists are urging Egyptians to “have a Day of Rage,” which I guess will complement their Week of Rage, or should we rename it A Week of Slaughter in the name of...
Retreat into the mud 14 Aug 2013 | 10:14 pm
by cheri sabraw I crossed the creek to check the 75 English ivy plants we planted on Saturday in an effort to beautify a harsh deer fence around the olive orchard. This week, conversations I have h...
Cumulus petticoats 8 Aug 2013 | 07:13 am
by cheri block We navigated through some fierce weather last month on our way to and from New Mexico, weather that pounded my car and electrified the skies as the gathering storms built upon themselv...
Aristotle’s restraint and Proust’s liberty 2 Aug 2013 | 05:39 am
by cheri sabraw As we drove away from Santa Fe at high noon, I vowed never again to eat another cheesy enchilada laced with New Mexican chili pepper, bell peppers, and jalapeno peppers, another torti...
Proust rhymes with roost 18 Jul 2013 | 07:50 pm
by cheri block I have only 135 pages to go in Marcel Proust’s second volume of In Search of Lost Time titled In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower. I will be fully prepared when my class at St. John...
365 10 Jul 2013 | 08:57 pm
by cheri block sabraw This post is my 365th little essay. Now I have enough fodder for each day of the year. I’ve been writing for my blog since 2007, an activity that has provided me a platform to ...
Waiting for a tenant 3 Jul 2013 | 06:01 am
by cheri sabraw Last week on a day sure to bring out the rattlesnakes, Irv arrived with the owl box packed in his truck. The Judge had done his part. His post-hole dig ger almost broke from the clay...
Irv–the Owl Man on the Rancho 20 Jun 2013 | 01:39 am
by cheri sabraw Athena step aside. Meet Irv, a man to whom owls of Northern California say, “Hoot-hoot-hooray!” After just a short several hour visit with Irv and his wife of 50 years, Diane, I must a...
Olive the trees have olives 13 Jun 2013 | 07:46 pm
by cheri sabraw You may remember that last July, we planted our 60-tree olive orchard. Since that time, the Judge has pruned, fertilized, watered, and shepherded his trees, hoping for olive buds this ...
Wanda Hickey and the Frog Pond 10 Jun 2013 | 07:23 am
by cheri block May and June signal prom time in American high schools. You know, the Junior Prom and the Senior Ball, lavish dress-up galas where fully blossomed women wear tiny satin purple dresses ...