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Social Media: Huge, and Here to Stay 29 Jul 2010 | 07:23 am

If you think social media is just a bewildering fad that will go away if you wait long enough, here are some things to consider: 1 out of 8 couples who got married in the United States in 2009 met vi...

Interview: An Interview with Jacob Morgan on PR & Social CRM 28 Jul 2010 | 03:56 pm

Deidre Breakenridge: I met Jacob Morgan for the first time (in person) when he spoke at the PRSA T3PR Conference in June.  I was impressed with his presentation on social CRM.  For those of you who do...

Measuring the ROI of social CRM no easy task | SearchCRM (blog) 28 Jul 2010 | 03:29 pm

Morgan suggests using metrics that indicate return to the company, but he advises against looking for short-term ROI on a project that is, in reality, a long-term effort. For instance, if customer sat...

Whitepaper: Introducing the Social Customer (Chess Media Group and Attensity) 26 May 2010 | 10:22 pm

The era of the passive customer has come and gone. The time of the social customer is here, and she has a lot to say. She is hyper- connected, creative and collaborative. She wants to make sure that b...

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