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The With Love Hunt Hint List 1 Dec 2012 | 04:56 am
Read more about the hunt here You are looking for a box that looks like this in each store. 1 – Cheeky pea Hello Deer, Getting warm yet? 2 – Ladies Who Lunch Each bough doth hold its tiny … Continue...
The With Love 25 Nov 2012 | 06:28 am
The third annual With Love Hunt returns November 30th gridwide! It will begin at Cheeky Pea’s mainstore at 4pm SLT. We will post a list of hints and slurls to the stores nearer the time. There will be...
Bloggers for the With Love Hunt 25 Nov 2012 | 06:24 am
The third annual With Love Hunt will begin on November 30th at 4pm SLT, you can get more information here! For this event the following bloggers will be invited to provide coverage. Alicia Chenaux Aly...
The final cycle of FAIR is now open! 18 Nov 2012 | 07:11 am
FAIR’s end is drawing nearer, but before that we have one last cycle. Bigger and better than ever before with incredible products from Belleza, *G* Field, Bliss Couture, CIA Designs, Zenith Fashions, ...
October’s Cycle of FAIR is OPEN! 21 Oct 2012 | 04:00 am
█ Our monthly event “FAIR.” The new cycle of FAIR is open here! We have some incredible guests who have brought amazing items this month, so hop on over! View the round up on SeraphimSL! █ October’s G...
FAIR – October Cycle Brands Revealed 10 Oct 2012 | 04:51 am
█ Our monthly event “FAIR.” Doors are still open to cycle one of FAIR until the 16th of October, after that we will close for a while and then reopen shiny and new on the 20th with Cycle Two featuring...
FAIR is open! 23 Sep 2012 | 04:00 am
█ Our monthly event “FAIR.” CHIC Management is proud to open the doors to our new monthly event “FAIR.” The event will focus on a theme of time, each designer being inspired by one of the 24 hours in ...
“FAIR” – a new monthly event 15 Sep 2012 | 10:39 pm
█ “FAIR” Press Release (for immediate publication) On September 22nd CHIC Management will open the doors to its new monthly event. The event will focus on a theme of time, each designer being inspire...
Vintage Fair Flickr Competition Winners 7 Sep 2012 | 07:00 pm
This year at Vintage Fair 2012, we ran our second annual Flickr competition. We received many entries (see them here). Below we are pleased to announce the winners as decided by our team of judges. Cl...
Entries to the Vintage Fair flickr competition 6 Sep 2012 | 06:24 pm
Thank you for entering the Vintage Fair 2012 Flickr Competition. The results will be posted by tomorrow on our website – but for now, here’s all the awesome entries! (Please no...