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Home Office Road Warrior Digs Tech-Friendly Hotelrooms 14 Aug 2013 | 12:35 am
Oh, the power of a power strip. Traveling in Asheville, N.C., recently, we booked a room at the Downtown Inn. Though not a restaurant, it nonetheless was the quintessential “clean and well-lighted pla...
Unrepentant Night Owl / Early Bird Home Officer Seeks Solutions to ‘Hide’ Odd-Hour Emails 21 Jul 2013 | 09:37 am
It’s no secret that I’m an unrepentant, time-shifting home officer. My schedule may take me way past midnight, either on my desktop or on a Chromebook (like right now, working in bed with my Acer on l...
Small Business Technology Review: Finding a Business Phone for the Modern Home Office 28 Jun 2013 | 12:08 am
The modern home office has much in common with the modern home. Both have kitchens, bedrooms, and occasionally yelling kids, intrusive cats or barking dogs. And both have a need for good phone systems...
Home Office Dispatches: Road Warrior Work Made Simple With Google Docs, Chromebook 21 Jun 2013 | 05:25 pm
This past week, I spent two days away from the South Florida home office acting like some nomadic road warrior in and around New York City. Client meetings were bookended by airports, plane rides, fli...
Home Office Road Warrior: From Tech-Laden to Efficiently Spartan 14 May 2013 | 06:13 pm
In this image, I’m wading through all the technology I took on a Home Office Highway road trip a few years ago. I had converters, adapters, connectors, cables, a laptop cable lock, a Belkin mini power...
Soundfreaq Sound Rise Brings Full Featured Sound & Good Looks to the Home Office 11 May 2013 | 07:10 am
Sound. Under-rated, under-appreciated and under-utilized in the home office, our senses are sadly deprived when it’s missing. Yet applied well, it can bring audiophilia bliss to the home-based workpla...
Intrepid Prosumers – and Weekend Travelers – Benefit From Gear-Rich Gadget Vest 10 May 2013 | 06:57 am
Intrepid photographers and travelers from days past donned a few time-worn and field-tested pieces of apparel to become masters of their environs. Cargo or rip-stop pants sported ample pocket space fo...
Bringing Noteworthy Tunes to the Home – and Home Office 29 Apr 2013 | 10:55 am
In my home and home office, I can’t get enough music in two places: The bedroom and the bathroom. Some may say those two destinations are better suited to other purposes – though some may be mistaken....
Home Business / Home Office Rites of Passage 24 Apr 2013 | 09:49 pm
Twenty-four years spent working from home, and today I had my first batch of Ramen noodles. Along the way, I’ve hit a few other milestones and had a few epiphanies. For you teleworkers out there, thes...
Just Another Sleep-Challenged Mad Man Pondering Life From Atop a Home Office Throne 24 Apr 2013 | 06:45 pm
Like Paper Or Plastic, Scrunch or Fold: What’s Your Preference: Early Bird or Night Owl? So it’s 8am on a Wednesday morning. I’m sitting on the can reading a recent issue of Rolling Stone – the one w...