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This blog has moved 7 Mar 2010 | 02:05 pm
This blog is now located at You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click here. For feed subscribers, please update your feed subscriptions ...
Shining Wind: Seena Swimsuit ver. 1/7th Scale Figure 5 Mar 2010 | 05:03 am
Spring and summer are almost here but it seems Seena has already made a head start. This beautiful new pre-order figure by Good Smile Company and Max Factory features Shining Wind's Seena in a cute a...
Anime Figures and... Swarovski Crystals? 4 Mar 2010 | 11:37 am
Did you guys know I'm also a Swarovski Crystal retailer? Actually, back at the end of 2006, before I thought about selling anime figures and tagging that function to this site, I joined forces with a ...
Anime Blu-Rays and DVDs 2 Mar 2010 | 03:06 am
Been expanding the store aspect of this site as you guys might have been able to tell from the recent posts. For a few years now, the store has mainly been catering to anime figures, since well, they...
K-On! Figma Figures 28 Feb 2010 | 05:00 am
Yes, here's yet another K-On! figure post by me. (deal with it -_-) For those of you that have been tracking my little rants, a recent pet-peeve of mine has been the fact that licensees in Japan have...
FUNimation Aquires Trigun 27 Feb 2010 | 02:32 pm
Ah, 90's anime. You gotta love it and to call yourself a true anime fan you have to go back and watch some of the classics here and there. Been watching the entire series of Outlaw Star as of late and...
Mio Akiyama (Moe Moe Kyun) Figure 27 Feb 2010 | 02:06 pm
You thought I'd leave for the weekend without mentioning this oh so Moe figure? For those who might have not heard the news from a few days ago, FREEing and Good Smile Company joined together to come ...
Fate/Stay Night: Rider Figma Action Figure 25 Feb 2010 | 12:48 pm
Here's a figure I know you all have been waiting for. That's right, you are looking at the highly anticipated Fate/Stay Night: Figma Rider Figure. She's definitely a beauty and I'm more than likely ...
Anime Voice Acting 24 Feb 2010 | 10:25 am
Great news! Well, not so new if you follow me on twitter. I've been keeping tabs on the voice studio famous for anime voice acting, Bang! Zoom! I oddly only first heard of them when I went to NY An...
X-Men PHOENIX / DARK PHOENIX MARVEL BISHOUJO Figures 18 Feb 2010 | 03:00 am
Didn't want to overload you all with too many figure posts yesterday but if you keep tabs of my store's inventory, you might see that I snuck in a brand new Bishoujo figure release. Yes, the great ar...