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Trains against cars in the land of Heidy: a sustainable bargain! 9 Jan 2009 | 01:19 am
One Swiss family out of 5 don’t own a car. This is what a Swiss study conducted by the Swiss Club without cars (CAS) has revealed. Around 30% have made a conscious choice to live without a car for ide...
What is your eco-choice for 2009? 22 Dec 2008 | 02:41 am
When I asked the audience at the end of my presentation to think and write on a piece of recycled paper what three new year’s resolutions could they commit to that would be good for the planet, there ...
Are private sector bailouts the governments green eggs? 1 Dec 2008 | 03:40 am
In this recent financial turmoil the skipper has changed. Quite a few powerful businesses are not anymore turning the wheel of the world economy. Governments which not long ago had little influence co...
Anita Roddick: la 'pasionaria' du business 10 Oct 2007 | 08:30 pm
“Les gens ne se rappelle pas de toi pour ton business, mais pour ce qui tu as fait dans la société”.Dame Anita Roddick sera peut-être l’exception. La fondatrice de Body Shop qui nous a quittés le 10 s...
A l'école de la fiction 9 Oct 2007 | 02:17 am
PME Magazine du 31 mai 2007. Vincent BorcardStorytelling. Le monde de l’entreprise a découvert une nouvelle technique pour résoudre ses problèmes. Il se raconte des histoires. Percées à Genève. Convai...