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Social Media Rules Every Marketer Should Know 19 Oct 2012 | 02:00 pm
Everyone knows that there are rules and regulations that need to be followed when participating in social media. These rules are not designed to limit freedom of expression or to inhibit creativity bu...
Creating Compelling Landing Pages 15 Sep 2012 | 08:17 pm
One way to push away readers from your landing page is by filling it with a lot of unnecessary text. Whatever you have to offer, no matter how appealing, may lose its catch if you flood your landing ...
Repromoting Your Old Lead Gen Offers 12 Sep 2012 | 06:32 am
There are several ways to re-promote your old offers so that they remain fresh in the minds of your targeted audience. This article will educate you how to promote your old offers in different marketi...
Interesting Marketing Stories of the Week 28 Aug 2012 | 09:22 pm
It’s interesting how some companies still fail at using social media to enhance their customer service department. It’s even more interesting how some private Facebook posts leak and appear on Google’...
Logo Design from the Big Guns 24 Aug 2012 | 12:52 pm
Creating a quality logo for your company is vital to the success of your business’s brand. It’s the first mental image of your company that most of the public will develop, and it’s key to a good mark...
Google’s New Algorithm Targets Copyright Violators 15 Aug 2012 | 03:36 pm
Starting this week, Google’s algorithm will now penalise sites that have copied content and reward those sites that create the best content. Should you be worried? No… unless you are stealing people’s...
Tips for Effective Twitter Offers 9 Aug 2012 | 02:31 pm
Sometimes we seek advice for our present moments of life. Sometimes we want to do such tasks which can be done today and the outcomes can be seen immediately. Most of us do not like the tasks which ta...
Common Sales Mistakes and How to Avoid Them 4 Aug 2012 | 03:22 pm
Isn’t a bummer when marketing mistakes translate into lost sales and wasted leads. Especially if the mistakes could be prevented if only research was done first! In this post, we will go through some ...
Types of Unique Content You Should Try Producing 1 Aug 2012 | 02:47 pm
To be able to be successful with inbound marketing, you need to have a blog, some lead generation offers, and some social media accounts which you need to use well. However, as useful as those things ...
Reasons Why People May Not Be Trusting Your Company 26 Jul 2012 | 02:43 pm
Are you a startup company? Are you having a hard time getting sales and customers? Maybe customers find it hard to trust your company? Though you can hire a branding consultant who can help you with y...