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Welcome to ACES’ new website 14 Aug 2013 | 09:50 pm
Welcome to the new We have redesigned ACES website to make the things you need easier to find, to give you important news quickly, and ultimately to provide ACES members more benefits s...
Bylaws change gives Ed Fund president a vote 14 Aug 2013 | 09:48 pm
After three years on the ACES Executive Committee, Merrill Perlman is finally going to cast her first vote. It’s not that she hasn’t wanted to. In 2010, the committee amended the bylaws so that the ...
ACES plans three fall workshops; registration open 5 Aug 2013 | 01:30 am
Three ACES Editing Boot Camp regional workshops have been scheduled for this fall: Aug. 23 in Anaheim, Calif., Sept. 26 in Las Vegas, and Oct. 23 in New York City. The daylong workshop is designed to...
Editing: Serious business, but … 31 Jul 2013 | 01:57 am
Copy editors may be the quality control department for words in print and on the web, but that doesn’t mean editors are dour. We see the humor in words and our work — and we collect the cartoons. Plu...
Apply for 2013-14 scholarships 22 Jul 2013 | 06:08 pm
College students with an aptitude for editing are invited to apply for five scholarships totaling $6,500 awarded by the Education Fund of the American Copy Editors Society. If you are a junior, senio...
ACES moves forward with efforts to fight plagiarism 2 Jul 2013 | 08:30 pm
The fight to stop plagiarism and fabrication starts with individuals in the newsroom and, before that, in the classroom. Where it doesn’t end is with a summit — even though a summit can go a long way...
Scholars win at ACES2013 1 Jul 2013 | 01:30 am
Rich Holden models the PJs that are helping fund scholarships. Bloggers often boast that they can work at home in their PJs. Rich Holden can boast that he can work a room in his PJs AND raise money f...
A look at the numbers: Editing job losses in the newsroom 2 Jun 2013 | 01:02 am
If you were concerned by reports recently suggesting that copy editing positions had declined nearly twice as fast as reporting or management positions, you should have been. The numbers aren’t as sca...
ACES, Global Editors Network enter cooperative relationship 12 May 2013 | 10:56 pm
ACES, in keeping with its journalistic roots, is entering a cooperative relationship with the Global Editors Network . The GEN News Summit will be held from June 19 to 21 in Paris, at the historic Hot...
COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN: Another crack at an old problem of plagiarism 24 Apr 2013 | 04:16 am
The following column is being reprinted from the Columbia Missourian, with permission. The Missourian is a daily print/digital community news organization directed by professional editors and staffed ...