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Designing Results-Driven Facilitator Guides 17 Feb 2012 | 07:07 pm
This instructional design tip will help you develop effective facilitator guides and resources to make sure your courses achieve the learning results you want! A facilitator guide is much more than ju...
Training Needs Analysis – Getting it Right 9 Nov 2011 | 01:15 pm
Designing an effective, results-driven training program can be a long and expensive process. Too often business managers are in a hurry, wanting the new training program to be delivered yesterday. Thi...
Optimal Voice Health for Trainers (Part 2) 19 Apr 2011 | 07:23 pm
Do you actively manage your voice to ensure it is healthy and in optimal condition? In one of our previous tips: Optimal Voice Health (Part 1) we listed 7 things that trainers and facilitators can d...
Optimal Voice Health for Trainers (Part 1) 16 Apr 2011 | 07:20 pm
Every profession has a set of “tools of the trade” that they need to look after and keep working well. Carpenters have hammers and bench-saws, painters have paints and palettes, and farmers have trac...
5 Ways to get Participants Out of their Chairs & Learning 30 Jan 2011 | 06:22 pm
If you design or deliver training sessions that run for a day or more where your participants remain seated for long periods of time, chances are, they’ll get tired, uncomfortable and distracted, and ...
Build Confidence In Your Learners 29 Oct 2010 | 06:21 pm
“My successful, intelligent and experienced adult learners are riddled with anxiety! What’s going on here?” As educators, it’s essential to deliver professional training sessions that educate and ent...
How to Learn that Training Material Faster! 26 Oct 2010 | 07:06 pm
As Instructional Designers or trainers, we’re constantly in the process of learning. When you’re under pressure to read and learn a lot of material for a new training project, the stress levels can sk...
Do you invite or block questions when you’re training? 14 Jul 2010 | 07:18 pm
Great trainers make sure they ask their learners if they have any questions about the content they’ve covered. Providing these opportunities for questions at regular intervals helps your learners to c...