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My fiance doesn't want to be intimate anymore 21 Apr 2013 | 12:18 am

When we started dating we moved really quickly, I got pregnant and we have a beautiful son. When we got together all we did was have sex and just constant PDA when I got pregnant he slowed down but I ...

he stated i will be back later going with my buddy to relic hunt , what do you want me to bring you to eat while you are at work. 31 Mar 2013 | 04:48 am

i told him he can bring me a salad . it was getting late i called the house he was there i asked him was he going to bring me a salad i has to go in to work at 400pm he left at 1000am he didnt get bac...

Husband prefers video and cat of cross dressing and etc to me. It's been three years. He is kind and supportive but never holds my hand or cuddles. 17 Mar 2013 | 05:04 am

I feel lonely. Unwanted. Like a roommate even. He is on dating sites so he can explore his fem side. I feel lost. I think he may of cheated on me cause I found email where he talked meeting il other c...

My girl and I love each other dearly but we are always arguing over what to do for fun. 21 Feb 2013 | 10:14 am

Every time I ask her what she likes to do, or wants to do, she always shrugs her shoulders and doesn’t make any decisions or come up with any ideas of her own. We have very dissimilar interests as far...

Her mood swings frighten me a lot. 14 Feb 2013 | 12:02 am

My problem is that when my wife is in a good mood she pours the love all over me. Tells me how good of a husband and father I am. It recharges my mood no matter what. However, when she gets mad everyt...

expressing ourselfs 15 Jan 2013 | 11:51 pm

for 2 years i’ve tried to be sweet expressive etc.he is very closed generally and i have realised it.i’ve started arguments oftenly,mostly due to lack of him expressing himself in sweet ways(he is not...

My boyfriend is intimate with me very infrequently. 13 Jan 2013 | 09:05 am

My boyfriend and I have been in a monogamous relationship for 18 months. We are both over 55. When we first started datin the sex was great and frequent. Now I’m lucky if we have sex every 4 months. H...

Break down of our marriage. 4 Dec 2012 | 01:48 am

He disagrees with everything I ever say. When I try to talk to him about stuff he acts like I’m ridiculous and crazy. He doesn’t stick up for me ever. When his niece was rude to me he didn’t say anyth...

Gf just moved to the state I live in, she has no friends and is lonely, but only talks about returning to her state when on her period. 30 Nov 2012 | 11:22 am

I am worried my gf is less interested because she moved here for me and now feels things have gotten very serious but only seems to mention it when on her period or right before. I don’t know what t d...

This girl and i have been best friend for 5 years and she moved away and came back a year later. I asked her out and said yes, should we go out? 17 Nov 2012 | 08:19 am

I really like her and I know her better than anyone else. I asked her out and she said yes but I also love being friends with her and shes SO busy, should be go out?

Related Keywords:

couples spark, post picture fb, getting a beer belly, we are mad to talk, severing ties with friends, no romance outside, air conditioned underwear, whats my ref, 20 years dating a 16 year old, my husband's friend is mean to me

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