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WOD 8/27 27 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
Performance – Week 8 of 8 Test Week Makeup Day or Active Recovery Day A. CFA – A Warm-up B. 6 Rounds for Quality 5 KB Goblet Squat 5 KB Russian Swings 5 Push-ups 5 Ring Rows 5 Sit-ups Founda...
CFA Closed On Labor Day 27 Aug 2013 | 01:34 am
CFA will be closed on Monday (9/2) in observance of Labor Day. Be sure to plan your WODs accordingly and be ready to hit the ground running on Tuesday!
Olympic Weightlifting and Gymnastic Skill Clinic 26 Aug 2013 | 11:52 pm
Don’t miss the upcoming 2 day Olympic Weightlifting and Gymnastic Skill Clinic hosted by Coaches David Durante & Chad Vaughn on September 7 & 8!
In The Coming Weeks… 26 Aug 2013 | 10:49 pm
CFA, here are some things to keep in mind in the coming weeks: CFA will be closed for Labor Day (9/2) On September 7th-8th Olympian Chad Vaughn and David Durante’s will be hosting an Olympic Weight....
WOD 8/26 26 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
Performance – Week 8 of 8 Test Week A. Hang Snatch x2x5 Rest :90 *By feel Tester B. “Nancy” 5 rounds 400 meter run 15 Overhead squat 95 lb, 65 lb *Time recorded Foundations Skill Snatch A. 5...
WOD 8/24 24 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
All Levels – Week 7 of 8 Work Capacity A. 10 Rounds 500 M Row 10 Burpees *Partner alternates rounds, each partner will complete a total of 5 rounds *Time recorded B. 3 Rounds :60 Weighted Fron...
WOD 8/23 23 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
All Levels – Week 7 of 8 Work Capacity A. 3 Rounds for Quality 10 SA OVHD Lunges 10 Ring Rows 10 Goblet Squat *Slow and controlled on all movements B. 20:00 AMRAP 400 M Run 5 Push-ups 10 KBS...
On The Horizon 22 Aug 2013 | 10:43 pm
Today’s article is just a quick update on few things happening, starting this weekend. Let’s get to it! Workday Saturday (8/24) morning we will be doing some work primarily in the small gym. If anyon...
WOD 8/22 22 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
Performance – Week 7 of 8 Work Capacity Warm-up: Medball Get-ups x5/leg x2 *Narrow as possible A.Front Squat x1x5 @ 90-95% by feel Rest 3:00 B1. DL x2x6 @80% Rest :60 B2. WTD Dips x3x6 @ rest :90 ...
WOD 8/21 21 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
Performance – Week 7 of 8 Work Capacity A. In 10 Minutes work to a 2 RM Hip Snatch or Hip Power Snatch Then: 5:00 EMOM 2 Hip Snatch or Power Snatch @ 90% of today *Best Snatch Recorded B. 7 Ro....