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The Next Big Lie and the Next War: This Time Syria! 27 Aug 2013 | 03:47 am
America’s ultra-Zionist Secretary of State, John Kerry, (Kohen) has pronounced Syria guilty of using poison gas in Damascus against a rebel area. President Obama has already stated that any use of poi...
Orthodox Jews Turning America’s Largest City into Shetl 26 Aug 2013 | 02:55 pm
The dramatic growth in New York City’s orthodox Jewish population is turning America’s largest city into a Jewish shetl—like never before. Not content with determining the outcome of the next New Yor...
When Dr Duke Blitzed CNN’s Zionist Agent Wolf Blitzer Live on International TV! 26 Aug 2013 | 12:58 pm
In December 2006, Dr. David Duke attended a conference in Teheran, Iran, called to discuss the Holocaust and its uses in modern Zionism. The openlyl Zionist Supremacist agent Wolf Blitzer, a former AI...
Fanatic Zionists Seek to Spark New Middle East War 26 Aug 2013 | 01:17 am
The fanatic Zionist Supremacists who run Israel have seized upon the alleged “chemical weapons attack” in Syria as an excuse to ramp up tensions across the entire Middle East and potentially provoke t...
Rabbi-Baby Penis Blood Sucking an Election Issue in NYC Mayor Contest 23 Aug 2013 | 05:53 pm
The number of ultra-orthodox Jews in New York City has now grown so large—to 40% of all Jews in the city—that the issue of bizarre rabbi-baby penis sucking circumcision rituals is now a make-or-break ...
New Nixon Tapes Reveals Details of Jewish Supremacist Power 23 Aug 2013 | 05:21 pm
More details of the influence of the Jewish lobby’s power in influencing American foreign policy has emerged with new tapes of President Richard Nixon’s White House conversations, released this week b...
Jewish Supremacists, Homosexuality and Divide and Conquer 22 Aug 2013 | 03:39 pm
The announcement in Israel’s Haaretz newspaper that that a new memorial to “homosexuals persecuted by the Nazis” will be built in Tel Aviv at a cost of $42,000 (no doubt ultimately financed by the Ame...
“Gentiles Must Perish”—Latest Hate Crime Outburst Suppressed by Jewish Supremacist Controlled Media 21 Aug 2013 | 04:52 pm
The latest example of vicious anti-Gentile hatred in Israel—the firebombing of a monastery and the scrawling of the slogan “Gentiles Must Perish” on its walls—has served as yet another example of how ...
Zionist State Honors Terrorist Who Helped Raze Arab Villages 21 Aug 2013 | 03:32 pm
The Jewish Supremacist state of Israel has once again shown its utter disregard for international opinion and human rights by honoring with a new promotion to “Major-General” of a 100-year-old Zionist...
The Origin of the Jewish Supremacist Ideology which justifies the Dispossession of Gentiles – Part II 20 Aug 2013 | 02:15 pm
Why do Jews behave the way they do? Part II of a four part series. The divergence of the extremist elements of Jewish character from the rest of mankind’s mores and cultural values becomes increasing...