Davidlaplante - davidlaplante.com

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Bike culture and community: Veer to screen in Reno Tuesday June 23rd 22 Jun 2009 | 05:34 pm
On the heels of National Bike Month, the Tour De Nez and the Reno Film Festival, Reno’s cycling culture gets a special pre-release screening of Veer. This award-winning, feature length documentary fil...
A Skier Idiot. RIP Shane McConkey, Skiing’s Greatest Nut 1969-2009 3 Apr 2009 | 07:41 pm
It’s the call we’ve anticipated, yet somehow we never expected to get. A ski BASE jump gone bad and the friend-turned-living-legend lives no more. He is just legend now. Skiing has lost it’s greatest ...
Sleepy Time Projects, Thursday @7pm April 2, 2009 1 Apr 2009 | 05:06 pm
Thursday, April 2, 2009 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm There’s an art event Thursday night benefiting a few of the Holland Project Core Members (Toni, Tony, Omar, Nick) and their Artist collective, Sleepytim...
An Ode to Helmet Hair and the Vanity of the Fools. Don’t be a dumbass, wear a helmet. 20 Mar 2009 | 01:36 am
Despite only being a family of four, as of last count we own 24 helmets. Maybe more. There’s probably a ‘couple old ‘dain-duckets hanging out in the basement somewhere. That’s an average of six helmet...
Reno-Tahoe AIGA’s Emu Awards to go off April 1, 2009 19 Mar 2009 | 07:56 am
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm What was once lost will not be forgotten. The Reno-Tahoe AIGA crew cooked up a cool awards party for all the stuff that’s never seen the light of day (a...
Twenty years ago… 24 Sep 2008 | 08:35 pm
Twenty years ago (1988) today, September 24 we started dating. And we never looked back. We met on the second day of college on the campus of UNR with Billy who I grew up with ski racing. He liked yo...
You too can become “indisposed…” Sat., Sept. 13 at Holland Project 11 Sep 2008 | 10:37 am
If you’ve ever wondered what kinds of random images wander through the creative minds of well-known artists and performers, now’s your chance to take a peek behind that magic curtain. Saturday night (...
Save the Date – NCET Entrepreneur Expo – FEB 27 2009 5 Sep 2008 | 03:44 am
Mark your calendars - the 2009 NCET Las Vegas Entrepreneur Expo will be on Friday, February 27, 2009. The Entrepreneur Expo is designed to provide small businesses — and aspiring business ow...
Don’t miss NCET’s Tech Tuesday – Sept 9 4 Sep 2008 | 09:26 am
NCET’s September 9 Tech Tuesday will be held at The Bosma Group, 5575 Kietzke Lane in Reno. Tech Tuesday is Greater Reno-Tahoe’s premier technology and entrepreneurial networking event. In additi...
Call for presenters: 8th annual Silver & Gold Venture Capital Conference – OCT 21 4 Sep 2008 | 04:29 am
If you’re an entrepreneur looking for venture capital investment, there’s no better opportunity than the The 8th Annual Silver & Gold Venture Capital Conference. Presented by NCET, Nevada’s Center fo...