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Platform update on Huffpost Live - Ask Our Tech Guy 24 Sep 2012 | 12:37 am
Once again, having tons of fun with the hosts on HuffPost Live, my new project that just launched in mid August. In a new segment, "Ask our Tech Guy", we open up the floor to the community to let the...
Using gproc and cowboy to broadcast messages via websockets in Erlang 28 Apr 2012 | 04:39 pm
Recently, I have been doing a fair bit of reading around event based programming and some of the design patterns associated with it, namely the Actor Model. The basic concept is that instead of deali...
Ubuntu error: key_from_blob 1 Dec 2011 | 08:10 am
If you have seen this error before on Ubuntu (or any flavor of linux for that matter), after some annoying digging i finally resolved my issue. When adding a new DSA or RSA key to the authorized_keys...
An MD5 Hashing function for varnish 23 Jan 2011 | 06:52 pm
I was toying with varnish, a very cool open source web accelerator that seems to be getting a lot of attention recently. Since we have done some fairly complex caching setups at my current employer us...
Using hazelcast with Jruby 27 May 2010 | 03:19 pm
So, i have been doing some reading on Hazelcast as I have been researching a bit on In-Memory Data grids. i spent some time with Gemfire (which is a very cool product) and then found this seemingly ve...
Use mod_rails with Freebsd 7.0 20 Nov 2009 | 12:29 pm
Man, been a while but i forgot how much i hate FreeBSD. Reminds me of the old days where solaris refused to ship their OS with a compiler or a decent shell, or require you to update /etc/nsswitch.conf...
Run db:migrate in jruby from warfile 31 Oct 2009 | 07:32 am
If you have production servers running jruby/rails applications packaged as war files and dont actually have the full jruby installed to run your migrations, you can follow these steps. This will allo...
GemFire RubyGem (activesupport-gemfirecache) 19 Sep 2009 | 03:01 pm
So i finally got around to building my first Ruby gem, activesupport-gemfirecache. Its with a very cool distributed memory fabric called Gemfire. Its a java based distributed cache application, which ...
UUID with ruby/jruby on solaris 7 Feb 2009 | 03:36 pm
So, it turns out the default behavior of the uuid gem for UUID generation on solaris relies on "ifconfig" to use the MAC address as part of the random UUID seeding. This is the default behavior of the...
Jruby / Tomcat Too Many Open Files 16 Dec 2008 | 05:48 pm
For those plagued by the following error in Tomcat running JRuby IOError (/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/myapp/WEB-INF/app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb (Too many open files)): This is apparently a ...